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Department of Professional growth Systems


Professional Growth System for Teachers

 The role of the Consulting Teacher is complementary and not duplicative of the role of administrators, secondary resource teachers, nor other existing positions. Consulting Teachers are experienced MCPS teachers who are selected by the PAR panel. They are chosen through a rigorous application process that ensures they are outstanding teachers and are able to communicate their knowledge and strategies about best practices to adult learners. Consulting Teachers are reassigned full-time from their teaching duties for a period of three years. They agree to return to teaching for a minimum of two years once they complete their Consulting Teacher assignment. 


Contact Information

The Consulting Teacher Program
45 W. Gude Drive, Suite 2400
Rockville, Maryland 20850

Phone: 240-740-8063

Consulting Teachers

Useful Links & Documents


We would like to welcome the following members to the 2024-2025 Consulting Teacher Co-hort: 

    • Karen Capone
    • Folakemi Foster
    • Sarah Gizaw
    • Latoya Hughes
    • Kinta Jones
    • Thea Singleton Alexander
    • Raul Toscana
    • Venette Vounday-Harper
    • Lydia Walker