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Unit 1

Unit 1 is typically an eight-week unit taught in September and October.

Unit Overview

Mathematics is the study of patterns and relationships. In this unit, students analyze and apply geometric, numeric, and statistical patterns and relationships. Geometry deals with the properties of well-defined sets of points. The instructional focus in this unit is to compare and classify figures according to these geometric properties. Development of geometric vocabulary and symbolic representation is also a focus in Grade 4.
The understanding of numbers beyond 1,000 should build on two fundamental place value concepts identified in the development of three digit numbers. The first concept is that 10 in any position is a single group in the next position. Second, oral written patterns for three digit numbers are duplicated for every three digits to the left. Instructional activities in this unit should incorporate a variety of hands-on experiences leading to these generalizations.
The data that students graphed prior to this year were limited to categorical data. In this unit, students extend their work with data to include graphing data over time.* Students begin to compare data sets to answer questions and to select the appropriate display for collected data. In Grade 4, students are developing their understanding of statistical measures through the use of concrete materials to form the basis of the formalized procedures and formulas developed in Grade 5. Their analysis of data includes an introduction to statistical measures including mean, median, mode, and range. Analysis and interpretation of circle graphs will occur in Unit 3 during instruction on fractions.

Parent Newsletters

Parent Newsletters for Grade 4
Informative documents with fun activities and tips to help your child learn mathematics.

Content Map

Content map for Grade 4 Unit 1 (PDF)

Web Resources

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Unit 1  Unit 2  Unit 3  Unit 4  Unit 5