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Support For Supervisors

Being a supervisor takes a great deal of skill. It involves knowing how to manage people well in order to keep productivity high. The EAP is here to confidentially support supervisors with consultations and coaching, critical incident response, professional development, and a supervisor newsletter.

Supervisor Coaching

We provide coaching services to principals and supervisors. Coaching can cover how to use constructive confrontation to address employees' work performance issues, how to best support employees experiencing difficulties, how to refer your employees to the EAP, and other supervisor-specific challenges that ariseSupervisor coaching sessions are 30 minutes or less via Zoom, phone, or in-person. To schedule a coaching appointment, give us a call at 240-740-6500.

MCPS Employee Support for Unusual Events and Critical Incidents

If you are in need of support for your staff related to a Critical Incident, the EAP is here for you. We offer a variety of options and are here to help you identify what response will be most appropriate based on the incident and staff needs. Some examples of critical incidents are: death of an employee, death of a student, a tragic accident, workplace violence, etc.

Process for setting up staff support:

  1. Call the EAP office or email one of the EAP Specialists to set up a time to speak about your school’s incident.
  2. The EAP Specialist will guide you through some questions, share their expertise on what might be the most appropriate response, and hear from you about what you believe your staff needs are.
  3. A plan of EAP support for staff will be agreed on/scheduled.
  4. The EAP Specialist will share resources, email language, and/or other information for a smooth implementation of the Critical Incident Response.

Upcoming Professional Development Series for Supervisors 

Join the EAP for a supervisory professional development series focused on Caring for Yourself while Leading Others. This three-part series will cover Leader Well-Being, Cultivating Psychological Safety, and Non-Defensive Communication with Employees to support your professional development. This professional development series is open to MCPS supervisors and administrators, and will take place via Zoom. Listed below are the PDO session descriptions and course numbers. Register for one, two, or all three sessions!

  • December 10, 2024 from 10:00–10:45 a.m.: Leader Well-Being. During Session 1 of the EAP Professional Development Series for Leaders, participants will identify realistic and attainable strategies to prioritize their well-being as an MCPS leader. Participants will identify their successes and barriers, and connect with other leaders on well-being. Course #92916.
  • January 29, 2025 from 12:00–1:00 p.m.: Cultivating Psychological Safety. During Session 2 of the EAP Professional Development Series for Leaders, participants will explore what contributes to a psychologically safe workplace and identify strategies to cultivate psychological safety at their worksite. Psychological safety is not a “check-the-box” or “one-and-done” event; it involves conscious, intentional leading while encouraging a growth mindset. Course # 92917.
  • March 31, 2025 from 1:00–2:00 p.m.: Non-Defensive Communication with Employees. During Session 3 of the EAP Professional Development Series for Leaders, participants will explore and practice non-defensive strategies to communicate with employees. Non-defensive communication involves being curious, asking questions, and making statements without trying to control how others respond. This valuable approach can enhance clear communication with staff and encourage accountability. Course #92918.

The Leadership Lounge: Navigating the Waves of Leadership

A new publication from the EAP to support MCPS leaders. 

Current Issue:

Inaugural Issue

In this issue:
