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Bayard Rustin Elementary School
New Building

332 West Edmonston Drive
Rockville, MD 20852


Hess Construction



MCPS Construction Contact

Shiho Shibasaki

The original school, Hungerford Park Elementary, was closed in July 1982. The objective of the project is to construct a new school on the site of the former school to meet growing student enrollment projections in the Richard Montgomery Cluster. Scheduled to be completed in August 2018, the new school will provide required program spaces for grades pre-K through 5.

The replacement facility is designed for an initial capacity of 602 students. The building and core spaces are being designed to accommodate 740 students. A philosophy of adaptable classrooms with the flexibility to accommodate various presentation formats and maximum connectivity to outside resources has been incorporated in the design. Instructional areas will have adequate learning space, work areas, restrooms, storage, and other support facilities.

  • Incorporate community input into design concepts
  • Keep cars and buses separate as much as possible, given single entrance to site
  • Maintain and enhance landscape buffers between school and adjacent property owners
  • Consolidate play spaces for ease of supervision
  • Orient classrooms north/south to control daylight and solar heat gain
  • Minimize building footprint
  • Incorporate use of sustainable design techniques to achieve minimum of Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) silver rating
  • Address safety of walkers (minimize or avoid crossing roads and parking on school site)
  • Continue and enhance MCPS standards for security