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Self-Care Isn’t Selfish

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It can be common to experience a dip in mood this time of year. With the end of daylight saving time earlier this month, many staff might be leaving work with little daylight remaining before sunset. The shorter days and cooler weather can impact mood and well-being. The Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is offering a reminder to care for yourself this time of year.

Know the signs of stress and monitor yourself for changes in activity level, sleeping and eating patterns, alcohol or other drug use, and irritability. Practice proactive strategies to care for yourself:

  • Focus on aspects of your life that are going well and that you can control. 
  • Engage in safe activities that bring you joy.
  • Spend time with supportive loved ones. 
  • Drink plenty of water, eat nourishing foods, move your body and get restful sleep. 
  • Practice mindfulness, yoga or deep breathing. 
  • Offer yourself kindness and self-compassion when you are struggling. 

Seek out support from the EAP if you are concerned about a change in mood or experiencing difficulty managing stress without relief from typical coping strategies. You can reach the EAP at 240-740-6500, Monday–Friday from 8:30 a.m.–5 p.m. In an emergency, call 911, 988 or visit the nearest emergency room. The Montgomery County Crisis Center is also available 24/7/365 at 240-777-4000 or in-person at 1301 Piccard Drive in Rockville.