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How to Establish or Update a Web site

Introduction: What Is the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Web?

The MCPS Web is all the publicly accessible Web content for district, school, and office pages.

The MCPS Web provides parents, staff, students, and the larger community with valuable information about and technical support for the academic, administrative, and operational aspects of the school system.

How Do I Get My School/Office Online? or How do I Update My Current Site?

    1. Fill out the Web Services Project Request Form
    2. Meet with Web Services

If you would like to establish a new site or need a rehaul of an existing site, the first step is to set up a meeting with Web Services. All new sites or sites that need rehauling are created in our web publishing system.

    1. Set Objectives and Goals for Your Site

Whether you are establishing a new site or updating an exisiting site, the principal or other administrator should have the following:

      • Objective: What is the purpose of the site?
      • Message: What should the Web site convey?
      • Audience: Who is the audience for the message/Web site?
      • Staffing Plan: Who will create the site? Who will maintain it after it's creation? Who will maintain it if the webmaster moves to another school or office?
      • Review Plan: Who will review the content (at least two times per year) to identify and update out-of-date information?
    1. Designate Webmasters and Content Experts

When ready to proceed, administrators must request access to the Web server for their webmaster so the site can be made public. Only administrators may request Web accounts.

Web Services recommends that the administrator designate one primary webmaster for the school or office. The primary web master must be an MCPS employee. Multiple secondary webmasters may be designated.

If you are updating an existing site you most likely already have a webmaster. However, you may want to enlist other "content experts" to help with transition process from one site to another.

Requirements for All Sites

Please see the Web Regulation FAQ about requirements for all sites

What About Security and Appropriateness?

A public Web site is an open form of communication with a wide audience that includes members of the community, county, and world. Principals and administrators ultimately are responsible for the content of publications.

What are the Content Standards?

Please refer to the Web Regulation FAQ about content standards

Who Do I Contact With Questions or Problems?

Contact Web Services at