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Writing Conventions

Sentence construction/syntax


When students struggle with syntax, or the arrangement of words and phrases to create well-formed sentences word banks can help provide the sequence initially and can be scaffolded from errorless (forced order) to sentence order to random order as the student progresses. 
Quick Guides:
Creating Picture-based Vocabulary/Word Banks
Creating Word Banks
While there is no technology that will construct sentences for students there are several that will help them check their spelling, grammar, punctuation and Language. This Quick Guide will outline three, Grammarly, Gradeproof and the language tool.
Syntax and sentence construction for secondary students



Spell check is enough for many students.
Word prediction further assists students by predicting the correct spelling of words when just a few letters are typed or when the word is spelled phonetically.
Quick Quide: Word Prediction
Speech to text effectively eliminates the need to spell.
this is a free and available to all students in Google Docs, and to students who qualify for the premium version of the read and write for Google toolbar (it is called Talk&Type on the Toolbar but connects with Google voice typing when selected)
Quick Guide: Speech to text in the Chrome Browser

Editing and revising


Moving from draft status to final draft requires the student to edit and revise their written product. As writing is a recursive process for this stage in the writing process students can refer to many tools outlined in other element of the handwriting section. Additionally, students may benefit from using text to speech to listen to as well as read in order to “catch” errors.
Quick Guide: Text to speech to support editing