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consulting teachers

Charge Statement to Design Team

Membership: The membership of the design team will be determined by the steering committee of the Professional Growth System for Administrators and Supervisors (A & S PGS). It shall include representatives from MCAASP, MCEA, MCCSSE, executive staff, central office staff and other experts as needed including MCBRE, parent/community/student representatives. The project manager will serve as co-chair with a MCAASP representative of the design team.

Goals: Under the direction of the steering committee, the design team will be guided by research-based information that identifies skills and standards for administrators in MCPS. The design team will utilize focused work groups comprised of design team members and others as needed to develop the components of the A & S PGS. The design team and the work groups will use the “one text” methodology to reach consensus.

Charge Statement

Scope of Responsibility: The design team will develop one-text proposals and reach consensus on what is delivered to the steering committee for review and approval. The steering committee will provide direction if changes are needed. The project manager will facilitate all activities of the design team.

Timeline: The design team will recommend a schedule for phasing in the components of the A & S PGS for principals and later for all other administrators. The project manager will monitor and ensure that timelines are met for submitting the components of the A & S PGS to the steering committee.

Communication Linkages: The design team in conjunction with the steering committee will develop a communication plan for stakeholder input and output to the stakeholders. The project manager will work with the design team and facilitate communication between the steering and design committees.

Resources: The project manager will provide the design team with the materials that are necessary for the completion of its work. If other resources are needed (consultants, travel for benchmarking, etc.), the project manager will submit a budget to the associate superintendent for staff development.

Products/Results Desired: The design team is expected to complete a full design of the A&S PGS that will focus initially on the principalship but will be adapted for all other administrative and supervisory positions. Research-based information will be used to design and develop the A&S PGS. The components should include the following: attracting, recruiting, developing, mentoring, evaluating, and recognizing administrators. The team will design a comprehensive system that includes a clear description of the administrative knowledge and skills that contribute to the following:

  • a high degree of ownership in a professional learning community for adults,
  • an effective learning environment for students, and
  • the management of an efficient and effective school community.

In addition, the one-texts will include a detailed description of the professional growth system, budgetary implications, and a suggested timeline for implementation at each phase of the system.

Guidelines/Parameters: The Steering committee has identified the following to assist the design team in achieving its goals:

  • Members will be trained in and expected to use the one-text methodology.
  • The design team will obtain input from stakeholders as determined by the communication plan.
  • Work groups will include design team members and may include others for particular expertise.
  • Consensus is the method for reaching agreement. Consensus means that all parties can support the decisions.
  • The design team will determine when the one-text is ready to take forward to the steering committee.
  • Components of A & S PGS to be considered:
    • Clear philosophy
    • Clear descriptions of expectations for administrative skills and knowledge
    • Standards for measuring effective performance
    • Opportunities for individual professional development
    • Support and interventions where needed
    • Evaluation process that might include peer support
    • Career development
    • Recognition and reward
    • Evaluation criteria and measurements
    • Recruitment and development of future administrators
    • Checkpoints for review and refinement of the system
    • Evaluation of the A & S PGS
    • Other components as appropriate