The Office of Human Resources and Development is committed to excellence, equity, and lifelong learning; we build an effective workforce of diverse professionals, who contribute to the success of all students, by ensuring access to growth and recognition opportunities.
April L. Key, Chief, Human Resources and Development Phone: 240-740-7010
240-740-8015 Staffing Office-Teachers (Status of application, start date, resignation, change in hours)
240-740-8000 Staffing Office-Supporting Services (Status of application, start date, resignation, change in hours)
240-740-8060 Substitute Teacher Office (Apply to be a sub teacher, teacher sub assignment, add/remove name from sub system)
240-740-8030 Certification Office (Teacher certification, transcripts)
240-740-4670 Background Screening (Fingerprinting, I-9's, visas)
240-740-8100 Employee and Retiree Services Center (ERSC) (Payroll, insurance, retirement, verification of employment)