All schools are required to comply with the Montgomery County Public Schools Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP), which has been provided to science staff. Key requirements are provided below. All science teachers must:
* Flammable liquid: any liquid having a flashpoint at or below 199.4 degrees Fahrenheit; Flammable gas: a gas that, at ambient temperature and pressure, forms a flammable mixture with air at a concentration of 13% by volume or less or a range of flammable mixtures with air wider than 12% by volume; Flammable solid: any solid that is liable to cause fire through friction, absorption of moisture, spontaneous chemical change, or retained heat from manufacturing or processing, or which can be ignited readily and when ignited burns so vigorously and persistently as to create a serious hazard.
** Toxic chemical: A substance having a TLV or PEL less than 50 ppm or 100 mg/m3 or an LC 50 less than 200 ppm or 2,000 mg/m3
Chemical Safety for Teachers and Their Supervisors, American Chemical Society
Laboratory Safety Guidance, OSHA
Laboratory Chemical Fume Hood Safety, OSHA
Contact the Science, Technology, and Engineering office at 240-740-4002 or Mr. Peter Park, Team Leader, Systemwide Safety Programs, Department of Systemwide Safety and Emergency Management, at 240-740-7710 with questions regarding science safety information or procedures.
Substances listed below are PROHIBITED for use or storage in schools.
Substances that are explosive, highly reactive, or spontaneously flammable (this is not a complete list):
Known or probable human carcinogenic substances listed below shall not be used or stored by MCPS and are prohibited:
Highly toxic substances:
Secondary school science departments are required to complete a thorough science chemical inventory annually. A job hazard analysis describing required safety procedures for conducting a science lab chemical inventory is provided below.
A spreadsheet, which may be used to create chemical information lists (CILs), is provided below. CILs and safety data sheets (SDSs) for science lab chemicals should be printed and stored near the chemical storage room. Please note the following when entering chemical data:
How to Safely Remove Chemical-Resistant Gloves After Use
Gloves should be removed properly, after working with chemicals, to prevent contact with any chemicals that might be on the gloves. A guide to safely removing chemical-resistant gloves is provided below.
Model rockets propelled by sources other than compressed air or water may not be launched on MCPS property (MCPS Regulation EBA-RA, Fire Safety). The Aquapod Bottle Launcher® is approved for 8th grade science use. A job hazard analysis describing required safety procedures is provided below.
Drama and Theater Safety
The MCPS Drama and Theater Safety Handbook provides guidance and requirements related to drama and theater-related activities.
Weight-Supporting Theater Structures
All weight-supporting theater structures must be inspected and approved by the Division of Construction. To request an inspection of a stage prop, set piece, pit cover, scaffolding, catwalk, trap doors, or other weight-supporting theater structure, schools may contact the Division of Design and Construction at least 30-60 days prior to the start of the associated production. Approved modular pit covers must also be inspected by the Division of Design and Construction each time they are re-assembled, before use. Questions and inspection requests can be directed to the Division of Design and Construction, Office of Facilities Management, at 240-740-7700.
Schools are not permitted to fabricate (or allow parents, volunteers, or unauthorized vendors to fabricate) orchestra pit covers, stage extensions, storage lofts, or theater rigging components.
Schools wishing to use a vendor-installed fly system must submit information about the system and intended use to Systemwide Safety Programs and ERSC at least 60 days prior to the start of the associated production for approval. Information must include:
The approval process for fog/haze machine use is as follows:
Kiln Safety
The following precautions should be observed when operating a ceramic art kiln: