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An EOC exam is a state-administered high school assessment, incorporated into select courses as a final exam with a percentage counting towards the students’ final course grade.

Common Student EOC Questions

Common Student Quesitons

View Frequently Asked Questions

EOC exams are part of the Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (MCAP). It is a state developed exam you take at the end of your Biology B and your National, State, and Local Government B courses. That means your teachers, or even MCPS, don’t write the exam and that it’s the same exam for every student in Maryland.

In the past, some state tests didn’t affect your grade, but this one does! It counts as 20%. That’s a lot, but not so much that your other grades in the course don’t matter. They still count for 80% of your final grade.

Want to know all the nitty gritty details?

Check out the MSDE FAQ to learn:

  • MCAP Program
  • Implementation timeline
  • Grading
  • Alternatives and Exemptions

Check out the the MCPS FAQ to learn:

  • General background
  • Available accommodations
  • Impact on Student Grades
  • Make-Ups and Course Retakes
  • Alternatives and Exemptions

If you are a Ninth grader for the first time in 2023-2024 or later, then this new exam impacts you. Another way to say that is if you will be graduating in 2027 or later, you have to take these tests before you graduate.

You won’t take the EOC until you take Biology B or NSL B. Most students take Biology in grade 9 and NSL in grade 10. But check with your high school in case they do things differently or you’re in a program that suggests courses in a different order.

The EOC will include questions about what you learned in both semester A and semester B of the course. Even though your score only affects your Semester B grade, it includes topics from Semester A. Your teachers know what topics will be covered on the exams and will be sure to teach you what you need to know. You can prepare by doing your best to understand the course material, ask questions when you are unsure, and review material from both Semester A and Semester B before taking the EOC. MSDE has also provided MCAP Practice Tests for any student who’d like a sneak peak.

You have three options to consider how you can retake the course and the EOC. Keep in mind however that the EOC includes Semester A content and the longer you wait to retake the course, the more you’ll probably forget! So the best advice is to retake the course and the exam as soon as you can!

Three Options:

The MCPS FAQ has more details about these options, so check it out before you make a decision about what will work best for you.

Nope. Even though you don’t have to pass the exam, you must still take it and pass the course as part of your graduation requirements. No exam, no course credit, no diploma.

And if you skip it, all your teachers and administrators will be so annoying about making it up. And no one wants that, so just show up and take it. Really, it’s better that way.

The first place you’ll see it is on your fourth marking period Report Card. You’ll see both the exam grade and your final semester grade. If your final grade is an E, go back to question 4 to see your options. By the way it will also be added to your transcript, but you won’t see that until you need it when applying to colleges.

The second place you’ll see it is when you get a report showing how you did that is sent to your home. This will have more information about your score and what it means about what you learned in the courses. But you’ll have to wait until after the summer for it. So don’t bother waiting by the mailbox until September even if you really, really, really want to see your results!


UPDATED June, 2024. MCPS EOC Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). Includes information about the impact of EOCs on grades and steps to take if students did not take the exam or failed its corresponding course.

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