Physical Education/Health Department

 Shannon Heaton, Resource Teacher

240.740.2444 (Boys), 240.740.2442 (Girls)



Katie Waltrup, PE/Health Dept Chair & Teacher

Joe Wiegner, PE/Health Teacher

Laurie Wohnhas, Teacher 

Leslie Gum, Health Teacher

Gina Grubb,  Athletic Director for Sports

State and Local Requirements

State and Local Requirements The Code of Maryland Regulations (COMAR 13A.04.13, Physical Education Program) adopted by the Maryland State Board of Education on October 29, 1986, requires each local school system to provide an instructional program in physical education each year for all students. It also requires high school students to complete one-half (.5) credit in physical education for graduation. 

The MCPS Board of Education requires students to complete an additional one-half (.5) credit of in-school physical education for graduation. There is no provision to substitute any outside physical activity program in lieu of meeting either the state or local in-school physical education instructional requirement. 

In 2021, The Maryland Board of Education voted to raise the health credit requirement from half of a credit to a full credit.Starting next year, the requirement will be upped to a full credit (1.0), which equates to two semesters of comprehensive health education. The requirement will start with 9th graders in the 2021-22 school year.

Course Descriptions

Basketball - 1/2 credit per semester taken.

This course is offered to students in grades 9 -12. Emphasis is placed on developing skills such as: passing, shooting, dribbling, rebounding, defense, ball handling, and pivoting.  Through tournament and league play students will receive instruction on offensive and defensive strategies.  These will include: man-to-man defense, zone defenses, how to attack the zone on offense, the motion offense, full court pressure, breaking pressure and fast break situations. Emphasis will also be placed on strength training as it relates to the sport of basketball. 1/2  credit per semester taken.

Health Education A & B - 1/2 credit per semester taken.  

The goal of Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) standards-based Comprehensive Health Education program is to empower students with skills and strategies that encourage lifelong wellness. Comprehensive Health Education emphasizes lifelong positive health related attitudes and behaviors that promote self-reliance and self-regulation for all students while promoting health literacy.

Health literate students have the knowledge, skills, and ability to maintain and enhance personal health and fitness, create and maintain safe environments, and manage personal and community resources. Life skills emphasized throughout the program include goal-setting; decision-making; identifying beliefs, attitudes, and motivations; assessing information; and advocacy for personal, family and community health.  Units covered in the class include: Mental and Emotional Health, Substance Abuse Prevention, Personal and Consumer Health, Safety and Violence Prevention, Healthy Eating, Family Life and Human Sexuality, Disease Prevention and Control

Net Sports - 1/2 credit per semester taken.

This course is offered to students in grades 9-12 who desire to participate in a variety of net game activities.  Students have the opportunity to participate in 3-5 different activities during the semester.  Each activity unit will be 2 to 6 weeks in length.  Each unit will include instruction in beginning and intermediate skill, strategies and rules. The activities focused on will include: tennis, volleyball, badminton, pickleball, deck tennis and tchoukball.  Emphasis will also be placed on the development of individual fitness.

Personal Fitness - 1/2 credit per semester taken.

This course is offered to students in grades 9 -12. In this class students will explore a variety of fitness exercises and routines.  Students will learn the proper techniques for yoga, cardiovascular endurance, strength training and plyometrics.  Students will learn proper form and how to identify proper technique in themselves and in their peers. Students will learn the tools they need to live a healthy lifestyle. By the end of this class students will be able to perform exercises necessary to lead an active and fit life as well as be able to put together a basic fitness plan to meet their individual goals.

Team Sports - 1/2 credit per semester taken.

This course is offered to students in grades 9-12 who desire to participate in a variety of team sport activities.  Students have the opportunity to participate in 4 different activities during the semester.  Each activity unit will be 3 ½ to 4 weeks in length.  Each unit will include instruction in beginning and intermediate skill, strategies and rules.  Team activities could include: flag football, soccer, speedball, volleyball, softball, ultimate frisbee, lacrosse, team handball, and floor hockey. Emphasis will also be placed on the development of individual fitness.

Weight Training - 1/2 credit per semester taken.

This course will provide students with the opportunity to participate in activities which are designed to develop strength, muscular endurance, flexibility, agility, power and cardio-respiratory fitness.  Emphasis will be placed on increasing the students overall knowledge of weight training. Students will receive instruction in the care and proper use of equipment, proper lifting techniques, principles of weight training, basic anatomy and physiology, weight control, nutrition and dieting and eating disorders. Students will be expected to work-out using teacher designed as well as individually designed work-out programs tailored towards meeting short term and long term goals.

Benefits of Physical Education

Improved Physical Fitness: Improves muscular strength, flexibility, muscular endurance, body composition and cardiovascular endurance.

Skill Development: Develops motor skills, which allow for safe, successful and satisfying participation in physical activities or sport.

Support of Other Subject Areas: Reinforces knowledge learned across multiple curriculums including science and math.

Self Discipline: Facilitates development of student responsibility for health and fitness.

Leadership/Teamwork Skills: Students have the opportunity to assume leadership, cooperate with others; question actions and regulations and accept responsibility for their own behavior.

Reduces Stress: Physical activity becomes an outlet for releasing tension and anxiety, and facilitates emotional stability and resilience.

Strengthened Peer Relationships: Physical education can be a major force in helping students socialize with others successfully and provides opportunities to learn positive people skills. 

Improved Self-confidence and Self-esteem: Physical education instills a stronger sense of self-worth in students based on their mastery of skills and concepts in physical activity. They can become more confident, assertive, independent and self-controlled.

Goal Setting: Physical education provides students with the opportunity to set and strive for personal, achievable goals.