PHS Summer Assignments Message for SY 24.25

After careful consideration, Poolesville High School has
decided to forgo summer assignments for students this year
so that students’ summer activities can be driven by their
own (and their families’) interests, needs, and goals rather
than required coursework. It is our expectation that as a
result of this “gift of time,” students will return in the fall
truly refreshed and ready to embrace the rigorous
instruction that awaits them. We encourage students to
continue learning over the summer by accessing great ideas
through books and museums (digital options abound!), and
by engaging in activities that elevate the body, the spirit,
and the mind. August will be here soon, and having solid
habits for stress relief and well-being are critical to your

academic success.
Summer Math: We strongly discourage taking an
MCPS math class for original credit over the summer
with the goal of accessing more advanced math
courses in high school. In the brief weeks of summer
school, students do not experience the depth of
learning needed to succeed at the next level of

advanced coursework.