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Fall Physical Activity Challenge Reprise: MCPS on the Move

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In 2010, Well Aware held its inaugural physical activity challenge: MCPS on the Move. The challenge encouraged staff to adopt lifelong exercise and healthy eating habits. MCPS on the Move emphasized consistency over athleticism and encouraged participants to incorporate simple, physical activities into their daily routines.

This fall, Well Aware is reprising MCPS on the Move to continue its goal of building long-lasting healthy habits. Participate as an individual or on a team. Schools and offices can work together and create their own MCPS on the Move teams, encourage activity and support each other through this eight-week activity challenge, which launches on Monday, Sept. 18.

Learn more about the MCPS on the Move fall challenge, including incentives and rules by visiting the Well Aware webpage. Or, search for “Well Aware MCPS on the Move” from any MCPS webpage.