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Pupil Personnel and Attendance Services

COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Community Supports – Available community programs and resources to help families impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to update this list of community resources regularly.

Self-Care Guide – Now more than ever, it's important to prioritize self-care. Our Self-Care Guide offers tips and resources to help you and your family maintain physical and emotional well-being.

Pupil personnel workers (PPWs) act as case managers for identified students, making program changes and monitoring progress. They collaborate with administrators, parents, counselors and teachers, and use knowledge of MCPS programs and community resources to determine interventions and placement for students. We recognize and value the role families play in the educational success of students and can help you with questions or concerns that may arise throughout the school year.

The Role of the PPW

PPWs can be contacted by calling their assigned school, or by contacting Pupil Personnel and Attendance Services at 240-740-5620.

2024-2025 Pupil Personnel Worker School Assignments by School

All In logo

School Attendance

Regular school attendance is essential for student success. When attendance improves, the student's academic prospects and chance of graduation improves. To promote school attendance, MCPS has launched a campaign to address absenteeism. The campaign includes:

  • Messaging, strategies and marketing materials promoting school attendance
  • Collaborative problem solving to address the underlying causes of chronic absenteeism
  • Support services to increase student attendance
  • Protocols for attendance notification and interventions for students who are at risk of becoming chronically absent

MCPS is committed to engaging all students and making sure they have the supports they need to stay on track for success in school and in life.

All In Flyer

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Student Well-being Team (SWBT)

School-based SWBT is a collaborative problem-solving team focusing on unique student needs and family outreach. Their primary role is to support students to reduce barriers to learning, conduct outreach, problem-solve, and support students who are demonstrating mental health concerns and/or not engaging in their online educational program.

The SWBT work with families and students to:

  • educate student and parent/guardian on importance of regular live, virtual lesson attendance and engagement, or access of recorded lessons
  • informally problem-solve to determine why student is not participating in live virtual lessons or their recordings
  • provide resources or support to address the issue

SWBT Framework

SWBT Best Practices

What We Do

PPWs provide service and assistance to students, families and schools in the following four areas:

  • Advocate for all students.
  • Consult with school staff and parents on a variety of issues.
  • Serve as a liaison between various departments within MCPS.
  • Refer staff and families to outside agencies and community service providers.

As an advocate we:

  • Support student rights and responsibilities.
  • Foster understanding and collaborative efforts among home, school, and community.
  • Problem solve and identify prevention and early intervention strategies for student success through a collaborative action process.
  • Manage cases for home schooling, change of school assignment requests and disciplinary proceedings.
  • Assist with case management for program placement outside the home school.
  • Work with parents and school staff to assess and support the needs of homeless families.

As a liaison we:

  • Work with school staff to help maintain a positive home-school connection through strategies such as home visits and conferences.
  • Provide crisis support services to school staff, students, and families.
  • Collaborate with schools to facilitate student intake conferences.
  • Interpret policies and regulations for students and families.
  • Assist in accessing home and hospital teaching services, as appropriate.
  • Conduct home instruction reviews.
  • Assist in the case management process for students referred to the Department of Health and Human Services and Juvenile Justice Services.

As a consultant we:

  • Assist with the interpretation of MCPS policies and regulations, as well as federal, state, and local laws.
  • Collaborate with school staff in developing interventions to address chronic attendance issues and dropout prevention.
  • Collaborate with families and school staff to access MCPS and community programs designed to prevent, intervene in, and treat alcohol and other drug use.
  • Work with school staff and families to identify, investigate and resolve residency and guardianship issues.
  • Assist in the special education identification and placement process.
  • Work with school staff to provide training on a variety of topics identified as needs.
  • Refer students, families, and school staff to community resources.