Student Service Learning (SSL) Information & Updates

Support your community, explore career interests, tackle issues that are important to you, and feel good about the work you’re doing while meeting the Student Service Learning (SSL) graduation requirement!
Check out these important October 2022 SSL Updates to learn more about SSL opportunities, documentation, and how to stay up to date on your SSL record and activity.
Upcoming October SSL Opportunities!
- Virtual Latino/a Career Panel - October 4, 2022 (6:30 - 8:00 PM) - MCPS is hosting a Virtual Latino/a Career Panel on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, from 6:30-8:00 p.m. MCPS students in grades 8-12 may earn 2 SSL hours for attending and participating in follow-up advocacy action.
- There will be a Zoom room available for Spanish speaking students to hear from panelists.
- More details can be found at the following link:
- Mental Health Awareness Week 2022 (October 10-15, 2022) - MCPS and the Montgomery County School Psychologists’ Association (MCSPA) will host a weeklong expo to give students the opportunity to hear from mental health experts on issues that are important to them, featuring daily themes, dynamic speakers and informational videos, as well as two live virtual events.
- Students may earn up to 9 SSL hours for viewing videos, attending virtual workshops, and participating in follow-up advocacy action throughout the week.
- More details can be found at the following link:
- For additional information, visit for updates that will be posted soon.
- ASIRT Road Safety PSA Contest (Deadline: October 21, 2022) - The Association for Safe International Road Travel (ASIRT) and the Montgomery County Regional Student Government Association are hosting a Public Service Announcement (PSA) competition for middle school and high school students centered on road safety and how to keep yourself and others safe on the roads.
- Participants who submit a PSA that meets the competition requirements will earn 10 SSL hours and have a chance to win prizes.
- To learn more, please visit this link:
Students may find additional SSL organizations and opportunities on the Volunteer Center website; these organizations and opportunities are identified with the blue MCPS SSL graduation cap icon. A complete list of current nonprofit-hosted SSL opportunities may be found at the following quick links: and