Summer RISE

Calling all rising MCPS 2022-2023 juniors and seniors interested in learning about a career during the month of July.
The MCPS Partnerships Unit will begin taking applications to participate in the 2022 Summer RISE program at 8AM on Wednesday, February 16. Summer RISE provides students with a four-week/50-hour, career-based learning experience and introduces students to high-demand career options that match their interests. Students must be available between July 5th through July 29th. Student registration will close at 5PM on Friday, March 4.
For more information about Summer RISE and to register as a participant, click here. A student and parent/guardian information session will be held on Wednesday, February 23rd from 6:00 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Students and parents/guardians can join the information by signing up here or on the Summer RISE website.