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Whytni name grphic


Hi, I'm Whytni and in the 12th grade.  I attend Springbrook High School, the best NEC high school!

Whytni thumbnail

 Video 1 - Outside of school...
 Video 2 - Two things I'll remember...
 Video 3 - I chose a non-base school...

About Me

  • I was nervous about attending high school because of the courses, teachers, and new building.  My experience has been great!
  • I plan on attending college and earning my degree in law.
  • I love volleyball and am hoping to get an athletic scholarship to college.

Here’s the high school scoop

  • Be social and get to know the students and teachers...even teachers you don't have.
  • Take the risk and choose a high school because of your interests--not your friends.  I attend a non-base high school and it was my first choice.
  • High school is different than middle school because high school is more open, you have more options and more fun.

(Information paraphrased for space purposes)