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Board of EducationMeetings → April 26, 2010

Board of Education Meeting: April 26, 2010

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Full Agenda (PDF)

Approval of the Agenda; Asian Pacific American Heritage Month; Teacher Appreciation Week

Asian Pacific American Heritage Month: The Montgomery County Board of Education and superintendent of schools hereby declare May 2010 to be observed as "Asian Pacific American Heritage Month."

Teacher Appreciation Week: The Board passed a resolution supporting the week of May 3–7, 2010 as Teacher Appreciation Week in Montgomery County Public Schools and designated Tuesday, May 4, 2010, as Teacher Appreciation Day.

Public Comments
Board/Superintendent Comments
Consent Items
Human Resources
MCPS Careers

In support of Montgomery County Public Schools’ (MCPS) ongoing efforts to increase the efficiency and effectiveness of business services, a new human capital and talent management system, MCPS Careers, has been implemented. Talent management refers to the continuum of human resource processes of attracting, recruiting, selecting, onboarding, developing, evaluating, recognizing, and retaining highly effective employees.

MCPS Careers is a secure, web-based application designed to streamline processes, improve communication, reduce costs, and assist managers and current and potential employees with transparency and with equitable access to vacancies. This customized system standardizes the application process and provides increased information about position vacancies.

Additionally, the system enhances communication to applicants, and gives employees resources to manage their career interests and to monitor application status from any computer with internet access. MCPS Careers has increased collaboration and resulted in aligned, paperless processes. This update provides information on the state-of-the-art technologies being deployed in MCPS and highlights the successful automation and streamlining of the hiring process.

Hiring for Excellence and Equity

As the nation experiments with educational reforms to improve student learning and close the achievement gap, there is consensus around the importance of one factor—the ability of the teacher to create effective learning experiences. At the core of the reform efforts in Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) is the importance of having a high quality employee in every position in the school system.

Our Call to Action: Pursuit of Excellence, the district’s strategic plan, reflects this notion in the milestones and data points of Goal 4: Create a Positive Work Environment in a Self-renewing Organization. MCPS, in collaboration with the three employee associations, has spent the last decade designing, implementing, evaluating, and improving the professional growth systems for all employees. Our professional growth systems have been studied by private organizations, school districts, and highlighted in the media both nationally and internationally as models of district/employee association collaboration.

The Hiring for Excellence and Equity Project is focused on transforming the selection and the orientation processes to ensure that every employee assumes 100 percent responsibility for the success of every student. This work is based on industry training that emphasizes the importance of bringing onboard, or “onboarding,” employees who share the organization’s core values, mission, vision, and goals.

Board of Education Items

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Updated April 27, 2010 | Maintained by Web Services