There are many incredible academic programs and courses available for MCPS students. Understanding what is available, how it can support student success, and how to access it can be challenging. During the September 16 committee meeting, we explored this topic with students, families, and MCPS staff. Watch the meeting to learn how to nagigate access and pursue opportunities that support your students' interests.
On May 14, 2019, The Board of Education adopted Resolution No. 324-19, which made the Communication and Stakeholder Engagement Committee a standing committee. The charge of the committee is as followed:
See Board meeting calendar for upcoming committee meeting dates and agendas
See minutes and informational summaries for previous meetings
WHEREAS, The Montgomery County Board of Education has articulated a commitment to meaningful family/community/school communication as a tool to increase and enhance family, community and student engagement.
WHEREAS, Engagement leads to strong partnerships between families, communities and Montgomery County Public Schools and engagement is predicated on consistent, high quality communication the Board of Education is committed to ongoing collaborative and productive communication processes with families, the community and students; and
WHEREAS, The field of communication and engagement is ever evolving, including the use of technology and innovative approaches to reaching communities traditionally not touched using typical models; and
WHEREAS, The Board of Education is committed to ensuring that the ideas, interests, and concerns of all stakeholders are considered and valued in decision-making processes and that input and involvement is sought and encouraged throughout our diverse community; and
WHEREAS, The Board of Education Policy ABC, Parent and Family Involvement, states “[r]esearch indicates that family involvement in education has a positive effect on student learning and healthy development and is an important strategy in reducing achievement gaps. Additionally, meaningful and effective home-school partnerships help to ensure a safe and respectful learning environment”; and
WHEREAS, The Board of Education Policy KBA, Policy on Public Information, sets forth a vision for effective communication that engenders understanding, support, and confidence in the Montgomery County Public Schools; and
WHEREAS, The creation of a forum for the exploration of innovative approaches to communication and engagement would allow the Board of Education and administration the opportunity to identify and test an array of best practices and determine models most appropriate for dissemination within the Montgomery County Public Schools context; now therefore be it
Resolved, That the Board of Education establish a standing committee on communication and engagement that focuses on identifying a broad spectrum of communication and engagement practices for possible piloting and implementation in Montgomery County Public Schools.