New Early Childhood Center To Open in Silver Spring as Part of a Public-Private Collaboration to Help Preschool Children

December 19, 2000
The Maryland State Department of Education has awarded a total of $439,971 for the implementation of an early childhood center program in the Silver Spring area beginning in February, under a public-private partnership headed by the Montgomery County Public Schools. The award was announced today [Tuesday, December 19] by State Superintendent of Schools Nancy Grasmick.

The center, named in honor of the late Judith P. Hoyer, will be located on the grounds of the Silver Spring Presbyterian Church, where a Head Start program currently operates. The award of the grant reflects a partnership by the school system with the Montgomery County Collaboration Council, in addition to the efforts of Delegate Mark Shriver to secure the funding for Montgomery County. The center will be linked to the academic program at Rolling Terrace Elementary School.

"The center supports the early childhood initiative of the school system to identify children who are not ready for kindergarten without significant preschool intervention," said Dr. Jerry D. Weast, superintendent of schools. "The center also reflects the benefits of a stronger, more successful collaboration between public and private agencies to help young children and their families obtain quality early childhood services."

The grant, which will be administered by the school system's Office of Student and Community Services, provides funding beginning next month to start operating the center as early as February 2001.

As the first "Judy Center" in Montgomery County, the center will provide a variety of preschool and kindergarten services, including special education, for target populations of children located in a core area of the county. The center will serve as a community hub for educational, medical, and social services for students who need assistance because of poverty and language.

The center will promote school readiness by providing services for both students and families, including comprehensive early childhood education and screening, health and nutrition services. These services, along with support for children with disabilities, will be available for children from birth through kindergarten.

Note: More information about the "Judy Centers" statewide can be found at the Maryland State Department of Education website at the link below:

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