Board of Education Elects Officers; Discusses Curriculum, Seven Keys Data

December 9, 2011
The Montgomery County Board of Education met on Tuesday, December 6, 2011 at the Carver Educational Services Center, 850 Hungerford Drive in Rockville. Among other items, the Board elected its officers and made committee appointments for the next year; gave final approval to the secondary common core standards; and received an overview of data aligned to the Seven Keys to College and Career Readiness.

Election of Board of Education Officers, Committee Appointments

The Board unanimously elected Shirley Brandman as President and Christopher Barclay as Vice President for the next year. Ms. Brandman, who was elected to a second four-year term on the Board in 2010, previously served as President in 2008-2009. Mr. Barclay, who has been on the Board since 2006, has served as Board President for the past year. Read the Press Release

The Board also appointed members to various committees:
·  Fiscal Management: Philip Kauffman, chair, Michael Durso, Christopher Barclay
·  Strategic Planning: Michael Durso, chair, Judith Docca, Patricia O’Neill
·  Policy: Patricia O’Neill, chair; Christopher Barclay, Shirley Brandman, Alan Xie
·  Communications and Public Engagement: Judith Docca, chair, Shirley Brandman, Michael Durso
·  Special Populations: Laura Berthiaume, chair, Shirley Brandman, Philip Kauffman

Final Approval of the Secondary Common Core State Standards

The Board of Education gave final approval to the Montgomery County Public Schools Secondary English Language Arts Curriculum Framework and Secondary Mathematics Curriculum Framework. These frameworks fully incorporate the Common Core State Standards in English language arts/literacy and mathematics, which have been approved by the Maryland State Board of Education for implementation statewide. The frameworks were tentatively approved by the Board on September 26 and posted on the MCPS web site for public comment. Five people provided responses.
See the Board memo and summary of feedback

Update on Seven Keys to College and Career Readiness 2011 Data Points

The Board of Education received an update on the 2011 data points along the Seven Keys to College and Career Readiness. The Seven Keys are a pathway that identifies benchmarks for evaluating whether students are on the trajectory for college and career readiness. Students who meet most or all of the Seven Keys are demonstrating readiness for postsecondary education and the work place. The Seven Keys are: Advanced reading in Grades K-2; Advanced reading MSA in Grades 3-8; Advanced math in Grade 5; Algebra 1 by Grade 8 with a “C” or higher; Algebra 2 by Grade 11 with a “C” or higher; Score of at least 3 on an AP exam or at least 4 on an IB exam; and Score of 1650 on the SAT or 24 on the ACT. See the Board report and Seven Keys data

Fiscal Year 2013 Budget Update

The Board received a brief update from Superintendent Joshua P. Starr on the development of his Fiscal Year 2013 Operating Budget recommendation. Dr. Starr released his budget recommendation on Wednesday, December 7, during a presentation at Richard Montgomery High School at 7:30 p.m. The Board of Education will hold public hearings on the budget on Wednesday, January 11, and Wednesday, January 18. For more information, visit the FY 2013 Budget Web site.

Administrative Appointments

The Board of Education approved the following administrative appointments:

- Nichelle Owens-Jones, currently instructional specialist, Division of Title I Programs, as supervisor, Division of Title I Programs, Office of School Performance
Suzanne M. Woertz, currently evaluation specialist, Testing Unit, Office of Shared Accountability, as supervisor, Testing Unit, Office of Shared Accountability
Faith K. Fischel, currently instructional specialist, Division of Prekindergarten Special Programs and Related Services, as coordinator, Preschool Education Program, Division of Prekindergarten Special Programs and Related Services, Department of Special Education Services, Office of Special Education and Student Services

Other Action: The Board also took action on several items, including:  
Awarded contracts for the Glenallan Elementary School modernization
Awarded contracts for an addition to Viers Mill Elementary School

Resolutions: The Board unanimously approved the following:

A resolution declaring December 5-9,2011, as National Inclusive Schools Week
A resolution in appreciation of Dr. Harry Pitt, former MCPS superintendent, who died on December 3

About the Board of Education

The Montgomery County Board of Education is the official educational policymaking body in the county. The Board is responsible for the direction and operation of the public school system. The Board consists of seven county residents elected by voters for a four-year term and a student elected by secondary school students for a one-year term. Board members are elected countywide but run at-large or from the Board district in which they reside.

Montgomery County Board of Education: Ms. Shirley Brandman, president; Mr. Christopher Barclay, vice president. Members: Ms. Laura Berthiaume, Dr. Judy Docca, Mr. Michael Durso, Mr. Phil Kauffman, Mrs. Patricia O’Neill, and Mr. Alan Xie, student member. Dr. Joshua P. Starr, superintendent and secretary-treasurer. Office of the Board: 301-279-3617.

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