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Gaithersburg High is now offering walk-in enrollments every Tuesday and Thursday starting on Tuesday, July 23 until Thursday, August 22, 2024 from 8am until 2pm .

The MCPS transfers only need to have their residency and an ID (for the parent). All other enrollments should have (Residency, parent ID, student birth certificate, student Immunizations and transferring school records).

(posted 07/18/24)


Hey Trojans! Don't fall into the summer slump. Reading is a great way to spend your sunny (or rainy) summer days. Check out this reading list from the English department. 

And to keep your newly learned math skills sharp, the math department is giving you some opportunities to prepare for your next math class. Attention - there's a due date (9/6/24)! 

(posted 6/19/24)

MCPS Student Hate-Bias Video

Trojan community –

The purpose of this message is to provide a brief overview of MCPS’ recent work around combating hate-bias - and to share the student-produced anti bullying/hate-bias video which is a key component of the MCPS communications campaign.

MCPS has created a district-wide team to develop a comprehensive approach to combatting all forms of bullying and hate-bias in our schools.  An MCPS video was released in March to the community in Things to Know to preview this work.  The comprehensive approach is rooted within the following three pillars:


Pillar One

  • Ensure that all staff and students have a basic understanding of the cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, gender expression, and sexual orientation of their school community so they can support a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Build awareness of the community to have a basic understanding of the cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, gender expression, and sexual orientation of their school so they can support a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Equip all leaders with adaptive strategies to mitigate and repair harm as a result of  hate/bias instances.

Pillar Two

  • Ensure that all students, families, and staff understand the reporting process and feel safe to use it.
  • Establish and hold ourselves accountable for clear guidelines in communicating incidents of hate bias.

Pillar Three

  • Develop clear and transparent guidelines for response, restoration and support ensuring culturally responsive, anti-racist and anti-bias responses. 

IMPORTANT:  As part of pillar one, here is the student video that was released last week in Thursday’s Things to Know:  student anti bullying/hate-bias video


comunidad troyana –

El propósito de este mensaje es proporcionar una breve descripción del trabajo reciente de MCPS para combatir el prejuicio de odio y compartir el video contra el acoso y el prejuicio de odio producido por estudiantes, que es un componente clave de la campaña de comunicaciones de MCPS.

MCPS ha creado un equipo para todo el distrito para desarrollar un enfoque integral para combatir todas las formas de intimidación y prejuicios de odio en nuestras escuelas. En marzo se publicó un vídeo de MCPS para la comunidad en Things to Know para obtener una vista previa de este trabajo. El enfoque integral se basa en los tres pilares siguientes:


Pilar uno

  • Asegúrese de que todo el personal y los estudiantes tengan una comprensión básica de la expresión cultural, étnica, racial, religiosa, de género y orientación sexual de su comunidad escolar para que puedan apoyar un entorno seguro e inclusivo.
  • Crear conciencia en la comunidad para que tenga una comprensión básica de la expresión cultural, étnica, racial, religiosa, de género y orientación sexual de su escuela para que puedan apoyar un ambiente seguro e inclusivo.
  • Equipar a todos los líderes con estrategias adaptativas para mitigar y reparar el daño como resultado de casos de odio/prejuicio.

Pilar dos

  • Asegúrese de que todos los estudiantes, familias y personal comprendan el proceso de presentación de informes y se sientan seguros al utilizarlo.
  • Establecer y responsabilizarnos por pautas claras para comunicar incidentes de prejuicios de odio.

Pilar tres

  • Desarrollar directrices claras y transparentes para la respuesta, la restauración y el apoyo que garanticen respuestas culturalmente receptivas, antirracistas y antisesgos.

IMPORTANTE: Como parte del pilar uno, aquí está el video estudiantil que se publicó la semana pasada en Things to Know del jueves: video estudiantil contra el acoso y el prejuicio del odio.

New Revisions to Attendance and Grading Policy

GHS students and families –

MCPS will be releasing the following information after winter break – both of which will go into effect on January 30th, 2024 with the beginning of semester 2:

Revised Period Attendance Language:  In alignment with the Well-Being and Family Engagement and Professional and Operational Excellence pillars of the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Strategic Plan, and MCPS Regulation JEA-RA Student Attendance, each classroom teacher is responsible for recording accurate attendance for all students, every period of a school day.

The MCPS Attendance Policy outlines that students are expected to attend all of their classes – for the entire class period – unless they have an excuse.

Below is the revised MCPS period attendance calculation for secondary students that will go into effect beginning Tuesday, January 30, 2024, the first day of the second semester.

  • PRESENT for Class = student is in class when the bell rings and stays for the entire class period
  • LATE for Class = student is late to class for up to 50% of the scheduled class period
  • ABSENT for Class = student misses more than 50% of the scheduled class period.

For more information on the MCPS Regulation JEA-RA Student Attendance please see here:

 Revised Grading Policy:  MCPS has released updates to the Grading and Reporting guidelines that will be implemented beginning Tuesday, January 30, 2024, the first day of the second semester. 

IMPORTANT Items to Note

  • The interim marking period report will inform the parent/guardian of students in danger of failing or of dropping more than one letter grade from the previous marking period.
  • If a student shows a marked decline in achievement after the interim marking period report, the teacher will inform (e.g., phone call, email, or text) the parent/guardian of this decline in a timely manner and document communication.
  • A “Z” in writing for each course, subject, or the gradebook is used to denote that the student did not submit an assignment by the due date but still has an opportunity to submit the missing work. If the student does not turn in the assignment after support and intervention, the teacher may change the “Z” to a final grade level of a 0%.
  • Teachers must designate assignments eligible for reassessment with an “R” in the gradebook.
  • Students can receive an “0” grade for making no concerted effort on an assignment and/or assessment (students must make an effort to complete the assignment and/or assessment).

(posted 01-24-24)

Senior Information

Need to take your senior portraits? Looking for graduation information? Check out the Seniors page for all the details! 

GHS is a Free Breakfast School

Did you know? 

A message from the Maryland Division of Food & Nutrition Services (DFNS) - Maryland Meals For Achievement (MMFA)

What is Maryland Meals For Achievement (MMFA) Breakfast?

  • MMFA Breakfast provides state funding to offer free breakfast in the classroom for all students. Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) will be providing free student breakfast through MMFA at 117 schools in the 2023-2024 school year, including 28 new schools. By increasing access to breakfast at no charge, we are fueling students for academic success.

  • Breakfast will be FREE, and students will have the opportunity to eat breakfast in their classroom. We encourage families to check out menus here and students to eat breakfast at school, fueling them to learn each day.

How does MMFA operate?

  • Students are eligible to receive one free meal breakfast each. In secondary schools, students may pick up breakfast in the cafeteria to eat before period 1..

When will MMFA start?

  • Schools previously operating MMFA will start MMFA operations on the first day of school.

  • Free breakfast will be available to students at all MMFA schools starting with the first day of school.

(posted 08/23/23)


Parent/Guardian Consent for Use of Additional On-Line Services for High School Students

Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) requires consent from parents/guardians (or eligible students) to provide high school students with access to Google’s G Suite Additional Services (such as YouTube) as part of their individual student accounts. Once parents/guardians give consent, this consent remains valid for the entire time the student is enrolled in an MCPS high school (but may be rescinded at any time).

In an effort to assist schools in assigning rights for Google Additional Services (such as YouTube) for new high school students, families can access the Google Suite Additional Services consent form in their ParentVue account.

Parents/Guardians – you can view all the applications that MCPS uses at the link below. ParentVue is where parents/guardians will (1) update any personal information, (2) register for athletics, (3) register for summer school and much more. 

The link to the list of ParentVue updates is:

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our main office at 301-284-4500.

(posted 08/30/23)

Seal of Biliteracy

Did you know that you could earn the Maryland Seal of Biliteracy on your diploma if you are bilingual?  The Maryland Seal of Biliteracy recognizes high school graduates who have attained high levels of proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing in one or more languages in addition to English. Please complete this survey, it will help us provide you the necessary support you will need to achieve this special recognition.

(posted 05/31/23)