Departments → Physical Education

Also see: Julius West Athletics Website


Awards and Recognition
  • Sara Beabout was awarded the 2013 Simon McNeely Health Educator of the Year
  • Jimmy Little was awarded the 2014 MAHPERD Middle School Teacher of the Year
  • Julius West Physical Education has been recognized as a Maryland State Demonstration Program for the 2014-2019 school years.


Physical Education


"Our mission is for ALL students to become health and physically literate by establishing a growth mindset that drives health habits, movement, and positive relationships."  -- JWMS Physical Education Department, 2018-2019

What is Physical Literacy?


  •  Development of decision making, problem solving, and physical skills through a variety of movement opportunities.


  • Demonstration of knowledge and positive relationship skills through movement, speaking, writing, and listening.


Desire to: 

  • Maintain healthy habits 
  • Continually work to improve our bodies
  • Develop our mental capacity to succeed

Our Approach Combines Tactical Games and Sport Education which:

  • Engages students
  • Fosters teamwork, problem solving, and creative thinking
  • Improves communication and social skills




Health Education is a nine week course included in the Physical Education program. The goal of Health Education is to develop lifelong health enhancing behaviors and promote self-reliance and self-regulation for all students. MCPS curriculum is aligned with the National Health Education Standards.

MCPS curriculum

National Health Education Standards

As part of the IB Middle School Programme we strive to empower students to make healthy life choices, fostering the development of knowledge, skills and attitudes that will contribute to a student’s balanced and healthy lifestyle.  This subject area also offers many opportunities to build positive interpersonal relationships that can help students to develop a sense of social responsibility.  Students will be assessed in the following areas:

  • A: Knowing and understanding -  Students develop knowledge and understanding about health and physical activity in order to identify and solve problems.
  • B: Planning for performance -  Students through inquiry design, analyse, evaluate and perform a plan in order to improve performance in physical and health education.
  • D: Reflecting and improving performance - Students enhance their personal and social development, set goals, take responsible action and reflect on their performance and the performance of others.

Participation in the unit is “passive.”  This means students are automatically enrolled in the unit unless the permission form is returned back with “opt out” of the unit. Each student will receive the letter home for families to view. 6th graders do not participate in the Family Life and Human Sexuality and Disease Prevention and Control units.


Family Life and Human Sexuality Letters:


Staff Members

Content Specialist: James (Jimmy) Little

JW Health and PE Staff Emails

Health Teachers

Health & Physical Education (PE) Teachers

Staff members can also be found in the Staff Directory