Welcome to our health room! Our health room is staffed daily by a school health room aide in addition to a school community health nurse on a regular basis. We provide first aid during school on an as-needed basis as well as maintain health records which include the immunization records, physicals and screenings for each student. This year we are staffed by Catherine O Kelly, RN, BSN, the School Community Health Nurse and by Colota Bennett, the School Health Room Aide. Contact us at 301-337-3420.   

COVID-19 Update

Students and MCPS staff will no longer need to follow the minimum 5-day isolation period for a new COVID-19 infection. Students may return to school 24 hours after being fever-free with improving symptoms (and are not using fever-reducing medications). As with any respiratory or contagious illness, practice good hand washing, isolate when possible, and open windows for ventilation. Masking in school is not required but is appreciated.


General Announcements   

6th Grade Parents

Mandatory Immunization

7th Grade Parents

Vaccinations for students in Grade 7: All students in Grade 7, or who are new to Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS), must provide documentation of vaccinations. The attached document Vaccination Records provides information about the importance of vaccinations and the state requirements, how parents can submit vaccination records, and upcoming vaccinations clinics.

Students entering 7th grade school year are REQUIRED to have proof of the following immunizations:   

  • Tdap (Tetanus-diphtheria-accellular pertussis)   
  • MCV4 (Meningococcal)  

All vaccinations given in Maryland are required to be entered into the state database, Immunet. The military does not participate. If the health room reaches out to you it is because the vaccines are not entered into the database. Please send in documentation and have your provider enter the information into the database. It is helpful for future providers and emergency room

If your child has not received these immunizations, please contact your child’s health care provider and make an appointment to receive these. If you do not have insurance coverage for vaccinations, call the School Health Clinic at 240-740-4430 for an appointment.

If you have any questions, please contact the health room at 301-337-3420.



Preventing the Flu CDC Eng
Prevenir la influenza CDC

Montgomery County Department of Health and Human Services Immunization Clinic Schedule

What should I do? 
1. Keep your child home from school if you suspect he/she may have the flu.  Do NOT send your child to school if he/she has a fever. 
2. Make sure the school has a current, working phone number where you can be reached should your child become ill at school.
3. Have an emergency transportation plan in place should your child need to be picked up at school during the day.

How can I prevent the flu?
*Get the Flu shot
*Wash hands often and for at least 20 seconds

We are seeing a lot of students coming to the health room with complaints of nasal congestion, cough, without a fever. The trees are budding early this season, and the pollen and mold counts are rising. Differentiating between illness and allergies can be tricky. Check out the Allergy and Asthma Network link on the Health Room page for strategies to care for your family. 


Medication forms are required for any medications to be given in school. This is for both prescription and over-the-counter medications. Medication forms are available from the health room or at the following link:

IMPORTANT: This form MUST be signed by both the parent and the health care provider. All medications must be brought by an adult and in the original container with the completed form.


Students need to be excluded from school if they have a fever of greater than 100.0 F, actively or have been vomiting or have diarrhea. Please do not send students to school who are ill after giving them medications such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen. Please update the health room as needed for any changes in a student’s health status. A note from a physician is required if a student has been absent for 3 days. Please make sure your contact information is up-to-date with the front office in case of emergency.


Each student participating in a school team sport must have a physical on file. This physical has to be dated within the last 2 years. (Please note- this is only for middle school. In high school the physicals need to be done every year). We also recommend a physical for in-coming 6th grade students and students new to MCPS regardless of participation in a sport so we are up-to-date on the health conditions of our students.



Click here to download the form:
Release and Indemnification Agreement



Studies have shown the importance of parents maintaining the native language at home while learning English for a child's academic success. These links provide some helpful tips and adult learning English classes.



10 Cell Phone Etiquette Tips to Teach Your Tween

Take Charge of Your Health: A Guide for Teenagers - NIDDK

How Vaping Nicotine and THC May Increase Depression, Anxiety in Teens

CAAS Crisis Center Fact Sheet

CDC Healthy Schools Dining Decisions Mobile Game

DEA Washington Division Encourages Back to School Drug Awareness and Education

NEW! Kahoot: Know the Facts About Overdose

The Benefit of Family Mealtime

The Family Dinner Project



7:45 am - 3:10 pm (Monday - Friday)