Information: Grade 6 Winterfest on Dec. 12 after school, Instrumental Music Concert 12/9, Choral Concert 12/10, volunteers needed for National History Day, chaperones needed for the Junior Achievement Financial Literacy field trip...
Timely message from Superintendent Dr. Taylor, Volunteer Opportunity: National History Day, Chaperones Neede: Junior Achievement: Financial Literacy field trips, STAR archives and much more.....
Parent Teacher Conferences, Student of the Month, Westland Speak Up! Series, Federal Impact Aid Survey, Virtual Career Exploration Event, Virtual Family Nights on Caring Matters, Order a Yearbook/Recognition Ad, C-SPAN Student Cam 2025 Contest...
Table of Contents:
Open House, Speak Up/Save A Life Video Contest, National C-SPAN documentary video competition; STEM Exploration Day, BCC Athletics, SSL Opportunities for November 2024, Yearbook News, Celebrations, Join our PTA, Volunteer for the SpeakUp Series, Transportation, Mental Health and Safety Resource links...