Westland MS Health Room Information - 240-740-5852     


Milva McCallum, schn

School Community Health Nurse



Hours - 7:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.

DIRECT PHONE LINE: 240-740-5852


Mission Statement 

The Department of Health and Human Services, School Health Services (SHS) in partnership with MCPS provides services to assure the health, safety, and well-being of students at Westland Middle School in the health room.

School Health Services include assessment of health needs of students, sick and emergency care and first aid, monitoring immunization compliance, administering medications and treatments to students, who have physicians orders, maintaining student health records, providing crisis intervention, health counseling, health education-promotion, nurse case-management and referral. School Health staff assists families of eligible uninsured students to enroll in the Maryland Children's Health and Care for Kids programs.

Medication in School 


Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene Immunization Certificate *  




 When to Stay Home from School


Availability of Asbestos Management Plan Notice