Westland PTSA MemberHub is NOW Givebacks 

The Westland PTSA sponsors MemberHub/Givebacks for those affiliated with Westland Middle School.  The primary purpose of MemberHub/Givebacks is to communicate information about school events and activities, and provide a forum where members can ask questions and share ideas on education and other issues directly affecting middle school students.  While the school and the PTSA will place notices on MemberHub/Givebacks, it is only an informal means of distributing information and does not supplant other communications from the school or PTSA.   

If interested, members can also sign up to receive daily announcements from the school, as well as information from the administration, staff and various Westland affiliated organizations (MCPS, BCC Cluster schools).

A new link will be added to this page (by the start of school) to allow Westland MS Community Members to join Westland MemberHub/Givebacks.  You must be a parent of a current student, a current student or a staff member. 

Only members can post messages, receive messages, or review messages on the MemberHub.  You must sign your message with your name, student's name and grade. (For example, Mary Smith, Bill 8th).   Members are allowed to post questions about the school, engage in civil discussion about matters affecting our children, and request recommendations or submit recommendations for services related to the education of a middle school student.  See Westland MemberHub Acceptable UseGuidelines for more information.

If you have a question about MemberHub/Givebacks or need to contact the moderator, please send an email to the moderator at erinharcourt@verizon.net and include your name, your child's name/grade and/or your relationship to Westland.