Welcome to Lucy V. Barnsley ES

Vision: [Our] teachers, administrators and staff believe in educating for equity and are committed to developing learning partnerships, providing engaging rigorous academic opportunities, and meeting the wellness needs of students in order to maximize student achievement.


The Bear Bulletin

Click here for our Bear Bulletin for the week of February 3. Prior Bear Bulletins are located in Quick Links.  Para traducir esto carta, ábrala y haga clic en "translate" a la derecha. 

Kindergarten Registration

Online registration for kindergarten for the 2025-2026 school year opens on Monday, Feb. 3. Children who will be 5 years old by Sept. 1, 2025 are eligible to register. Registration will be online through the ParentVUE portal. If your family is new to MCPS, you will need to create a ParentVue account here. For more information about eligibility and the registration process, visit the MCPS Kindergarten Enrollment webpage or contact your local elementary school.

Inscripción para el jardín de niños

La inscripción en línea para el jardín de niños para el año escolar 2025-2026 se abrirá el lunes 3 de febrero. Los niños que cumplan 5 años antes del 1 de septiembre de 2025 son elegibles para inscribirse. La inscripción se realizará en línea a través del portal ParentVUE. Si su familia es nueva en el sistema escolar del Condado de Montgomery (MCPS), deberá crear una cuenta ParentVue aquí. Para obtener más información sobre la elegibilidad y el proceso de inscripción, visite la página web de Inscripción para el jardín de niños de MCPS o comuníquese con su escuela primaria local. 

Random Acts of Kindness Spirit Week 2/10 - 2/14

Monday, February 10:  Dreaming of a kind world- pajama day/comfy clothes day
Tuesday, February 11: Kindness shines day- Wear neon, sparkly, or glittery clothing
Wednesday, February 12: Powered by kindness- wear your favorite superhero shirt
Thursday, February 13: Team up for kindness- Jersey/sports day
Friday, February 14:  Valentine’s Day: Spread the Peace, Love, and Kindness- wear tie dye, pink, or red 

Back to School Information 2024 - 2025

Welcome Incoming CES Students

Please click here for our parent presentation. 
Please click here for CES Bus Rider FAQs

Chromebooks for Home Use

MCPS will provide chromebooks for students who do not have access to a chromebook or other device at home. Please use this form to request one if needed. At this time, MCPS may not be able to provide a charger for the home use chromebook.  Should you need a charger, an inexpensive one can be purchased here.

Las escuelas del condado de Montgomery(MCPS) proporcionarán Chromebooks a los estudiantes que no tengan un Chromebook u otro dispositivo en casa. Utilice este formulario para solicitar uno si usted lo necesita. 

Cafeteria News

Meal prices: Breakfast—free; Lunch—$2.55 (Elementary), $2.80 (Middle and High) Beginning this year, students in Maryland who qualify for reduced-price meals will not be charged for breakfast or lunch meals!

Free And Reduced-Price Meal Applications

Apply online NOW so that benefits will be in place when school starts! Families who meet certain federal income standards are eligible for free or reduced-price meal benefits. All children use their MCPS ID number at the register so confidentiality is maintained and no child is overtly identified as receiving free or reduced-price meals. Only one application is needed for all students in a household. A new application must be completed for any family requesting assistance this school year. The online application is now open for families to submit applications. www.MySchoolApps.com For more information and How-To videos, visit the Food Services website: www.montgomeryschools.org/departments/food-and-nutrition/meal-payments/#FARMS

Noticias de la Cafetería

Precios de las comidas: Desayuno—gratis; Almuerzo—$2.55 (elemental), $2.80 (enseñanza media y secundaria) ¡A partir de este ciclo escolar, los estudiantes en Maryland que califiquen para comidas a precio reducido no se les cobrarán las comidas del desayuno o almuerzo!

Solicitudes Para Comidas Gratis O A Precio Reducido

¡Presente una solicitud en línea AHORA para que estén los beneficios cuando comienzan las clases! Aquellas familias que reúnen ciertos estándares federales de ingresos son elegibles para recibir beneficios de comidas gratis o a precio reducido. Todos los estudiantes utilizan su número de estudiante de MCPS en la caja para mantener su privacidad y para que ningún estudiante sea abiertamente identificado como estudiante que recibe comidas gratis o a precio reducido. Se requiere una sola solicitud para todos los estudiantes que vivan en el mismo domicilio. Se debe completar una nueva solicitud para cualquier familia que solicite asistencia para este ciclo escolar. La solicitud en línea ahora está disponible para que las familias presenten solicitudes. www.MySchoolApps.com Para más información y videos instructivos, visite el sitio web de Servicios de Alimentos: www.montgomeryschools.org/departments/food-and-nutrition/meal-payments/#FARMS

Saturday School

Saturday School serves MCPS as a strategic partner and provides mentoring and tutoring from 8:30 am - 11:00 am on Saturday mornings, which is what we consider the 6th Day of Learning.  The elementary Saturday School curriculum is aligned with the MCPS curriculum and taught by MCPS teachers with the goal of extending and supporting the weekly grade-level learning outcomes. For more information, visit the Saturday School website and the flyers section of the Barnsley website.

Diverse and Inclusive Instructional Materials & Resources

Click here for information on MCPS' Diverse and Inclusive Instructional Materials & Resources

School Safety and Security

November PTA Meeting Presentation
Frequently Asked Questions 


You do not need a ParentVUE account to volunteer. Please see information here for directions on how to register as a volunteer.

Online Homework Help Service

Online Homework Help Service Begins Feb. 1
MCPS has announced a new, free student online tutoring and homework help service that will begin with the second semester on February 1. Tutorme.com is a secure, online resource that will be easily accessible through MCPS student Canvas and StudentVUE accounts and will offer on-demand assistance on any subject from grade 3 through grade 12. More information is available here.

Free and Reduced-Price Meals (FARMS)

Click here for more information on the FARMS program: how you can apply, links, etc.

Vaccination Requirements

Click here for MPCS vaccination requirements.