SY24-25 Husky After-schooL Activities & Bus Routes

After school Activities begin September 10, 2024. We have a range of after-school activities to choose from. Please click the link below to view our After School Activities Brochure which includes a description of each activity, the staff member who is sponsoring, the location, and the day of the week the activity begins.   
Please note that some clubs will begin later in the school year. We do ask that students register for their activity so that sponsors are aware of the number of students attending (registration form is below). Buses will depart Silver Creek at approximately 4:20 p.m. to take students home. Each bus will take students to their regular bus stop or to a stop nearby. You may also choose to pick your child up from their activity. Please pick your child up at the front of the school at 4:20 p.m.
We look forward to seeing your child at one of our great clubs!