
Welcome to Silver Creek Middle, An IB World School where we are Huskies on the M.O.V.E.: Motivated Open-Minded Visionaries for Excellence!    

Annual Oratorical Contest

Earn up to 6 SSL hours for participating in our annual oratorical contest in honor of Black History Month!

Severe Weather Plan to Virtual Learning

Click here for information about our emergency severe weather plan to virtual learning for the SY24-25.

Articulation Information

Click here to access information about course registration for the SY25-26 School Year. 

Chromebook Information

Individual chromebooks will not be assigned to students this year.  Each classroom will have chromebooks available for students to use during instruction.  If a student has never received a chromebook from MCPS or does not have an electronic device to use at home, families can complete this MCPS form to request a chromebook.  To ensure the safety of personal devices, students MUST keep personal devices at home.

IB Day of Care & Service

Huskies, click this link to complete the Reflection Form from our IB Day Care & Service. If you were absent, click this link to access the google doc to find out activities you can do from home to earn SSL hours for our extended IB Day of Care & Service in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King's Month of Service.

Immunization Records

Parents, please be sure to submit your child's most updated immunization records for the 2024-2025 school year.  You can email an electronic copy to our school nurse, Mrs. Desiree Speicher at Desiree_G_Speicher@mcpsmd.org or Mrs. Tigest Teshome at Tigest_Teshome@mcpsmd.org.  

School Pictures

📸 Pictures Available: Approximately two to three weeks after photo day
đź›’ Pre-order Online: https://vando.imagequix.com/g1001141459#login
📧 Questions about Ordering? Email underclass@vosphoto.com

Student Service Learning Information

Hey Huskies, looking for SSL opportunities?  Click here to access a resource with information about SSL activities & due dates. If you completed any SSL activities, please be sure to submit your completed SSL form to the front office.  Click here to see a video on how to complete the form along with a sample of a complete & thorough response.  Incomplete forms or incomplete reflections will be returned to students. If you have any questions, please contact your SSL Coordinator, Mrs. Hill-Gilliard at renee_s_hill-gilliard@mcpsmd.org.

Stay Connected!

Click here for Dr. Awkard's Weekly Newsletter