If you would like to donate to our school, click the image above or click here. Funds will be used to support the programs and needs for our students and staff here at RFMS. Thank you for your generosity!
Missed 5th grade Parent Night? Click below for the resources from the meeting.
RFMS hosted NCF (National Cryptologic Foundation) cybersecurity specialist guest speaker, Darnell Washington, on Thursday, May 23rd. Washington is one of the world's leaders in cybersecurity -and has patents for protecting security cameras. This is Washington's second year visiting the school -third overall from the NCF. After 6-weeks of training, we had our very own RFMS NCF Ambassador's program ceremony on April 30th. The ceremony pictures from the Media Center are on the NCF website: https://cryptologicfoundation.org/educators/ncf-ambassador-program-robert-frost-middle-school.html .
RFMS is the first public school to have Ambassadors with the NCF.
Congratulations to the RFMS Science Bowl and Ms. Levine for being awarded the 2024 Regional Champions and placing in the top 7th in the Nation in the Science Bowl Competition!
Click the image above for more information about our Antiracist survey results summary.