The Parent Teacher Student Association
The PTSA is an organization of parents, teachers, and students that work together to support the Ridgeview community.
Hello Ridgeview Families,
I hope you are all enjoying your last few days of summer and getting ready for back to school activities. The PTSA is gearing up to start off the new school year with lots of fun and we need YOUR HELP to make it all happen. Please renew your membership and check out ALL the opportunities to get involved and show off your Bobcat spirit!
Membership Renewal:
Renew online for 2024-2025 at or catch us at Back to School Night on 9/5 to renew in person.
Kick-off Carnival - Thursday 9/19:
Save the Date for this great event where students get to kick-off the new school year having fun with their friends. Please consider volunteering to set-up, run a game, hand out food, or donate supplies for this wonderful event. Details coming soon!
Back to School Night 9/5 - lawn games:
Please consider donating new or used lawn games to the school for the upcoming Back to School Night on 9/5. Donated games will also be used for future school events and Wellness days. Please email with donations.
Bob Bucks Store:
The RMS PTSA will sponsor the Bob Bucks store again this year! Students will have the opportunity to earn Bob Bucks from their teachers throughout the school day. The store will be open twice a month for students to use their Bob Bucks to buy various snacks and items. The store runs on volunteers and donations from parents.
Please consider donating items to Bob Bucks:
There is also an option to send money through PayPal for committee members to purchase items. Donate to Ridgeview Middle School PTSA
We need volunteers! Please sign up for a slot to help run the Bob Bucks Store:
We are asking volunteers to sign up for only one volunteer slot at this time (you may also sign up for a substitute slot). A second sign up will be released in December.
Staff Appreciation:
The PTSA wants to show support and appreciation for our amazing staff all year long! Please consider donating supplies to keep them energized throughout all the start of year activities.
Volunteer Training:
If you plan to volunteer, please make sure you are up to date on your MCPS volunteer training found here: This has to be renewed every two years. If you have questions about your status, please reach out to AP Mrs. Sheku or Ms. Villegas in the RMS office.
Spirit Gear:
Shop the Ridgeview Back-To-School Spirit Wear Sale! Choose from hundreds of designs and garments that are delivered to your home in days! You'll save 30% off the entire site from 8/20-9/24!
Ridgeview PTSA Board 2024-2025:
- President: Alyse Portnoff
- VP Membership: Jane Mugrage
- Secretary: Danielle Carter
- Treasurer: Sara Krieg
- VP Volunteers: VACANT (You!?)
Hola familias de Ridgeview,
Espero que todos estén disfrutando de sus últimos días de verano y preparándose para las actividades de regreso a la escuela. La PTSA se está preparando para comenzar el nuevo año escolar con mucha diversión y necesitamos SU AYUDA para que todo suceda. ¡Renueve su membresía y consulte TODAS las oportunidades para participar y mostrar su espíritu Bobcat!
Renovación de membresía:
Renueve en línea para 2024-2025 en o visítenos en la Noche de regreso a la escuela el 5 de septiembre para renovar en persona.
Carnaval de inicio: jueves 19 de septiembre:
Reserve la fecha para este gran evento en el que los estudiantes pueden comenzar el nuevo año escolar divirtiéndose con sus amigos. Considere ofrecerse como voluntario para organizar, dirigir un juego, repartir alimentos o donar suministros para este maravilloso evento. ¡Pronto habrá más detalles!
Noche de regreso a clases el 5 de septiembre: juegos de césped:
Considere donar juegos de césped nuevos o usados a la escuela para la próxima Noche de regreso a clases el 5 de septiembre. Los juegos donados también se utilizarán para futuros eventos escolares y días de bienestar. Envíe un correo electrónico a con las donaciones.
Tienda Bob Bucks:
¡La PTSA de RMS patrocinará la tienda Bob Bucks nuevamente este año! Los estudiantes tendrán la oportunidad de ganar Bob Bucks de sus maestros durante el día escolar. La tienda estará abierta dos veces al mes para que los estudiantes usen sus Bob Bucks para comprar varios bocadillos y artículos. La tienda funciona con voluntarios y donaciones de los padres.
Considere donar artículos a Bob Bucks:
También existe la opción de enviar dinero a través de PayPal para que los miembros del comité compren artículos. Donate to Ridgeview Middle School PTSA
¡Necesitamos voluntarios! Inscríbase para un puesto para ayudar a administrar la tienda Bob Bucks:
Estamos pidiendo a los voluntarios que se inscriban solo para un puesto de voluntario en este momento (también puede inscribirse para un puesto de sustituto). Se publicará una segunda inscripción en diciembre.
Agradecimiento al personal:
¡La PTSA quiere mostrar apoyo y aprecio por nuestro increíble personal durante todo el año! Considere donar suministros para mantenerlos con energía durante todas las actividades de inicio de año.
Capacitación para voluntarios:
Si planea ser voluntario, asegúrese de estar al día con su capacitación para voluntarios de MCPS que se encuentra aquí: Esto debe renovarse cada dos años. Si tiene preguntas sobre su estado, comuníquese con la Sra. Sheku o la Sra. Villegas en la oficina de RMS.
Artículos deportivos:
¡Compre en la oferta de ropa deportiva de regreso a clases de Ridgeview! ¡Elija entre cientos de diseños y prendas que se envían a su hogar en cuestión de días! ¡Ahorrará un 30 % en todo el sitio del 20 de agosto al 24 de septiembre! Compre en
Junta de la PTSA de Ridgeview 2024-2025:
- Presidenta: Alyse Portnoff
- Vicepresidenta de membresía: Jane Mugrage
- Secretaria: Danielle Carter
- Tesorera: Sara Krieg
- Vicepresidenta de voluntarios: VACANTE (¿¡Tú!?)
To support and speak on behalf of children and youth in the schools, in the community and before governmental bodies and other organizations that make decisions affecting child
To assist parents in developing the skills they need to raise and protect their children
To encourage parent and public involvement in the public schools of this nation
To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school, community, and place of worship
To raise the standards of home life
To secure adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth
To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate intelligently in the education of children and youth
To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social, and spiritual education
Deposit and Disbursement Forms
Form -RMS Disbursement Request
PTSA membership shows your child that school matters. Decades worth of research show that when parents are involved, students perform better in school. That alone is worth the price of PTA dues!
Through the PTSA you can meet other parents, your children’s classmates, and the leadership and staff of your school. You will make new friends, finding other parents who share your interests, passions, and concerns.
Share your culture through the PTSA. PTSAs in Montgomery County benefit from the richness of our local community. Our children benefit from the exposure to the wealth of cultures that make up our local communities. And parents who are bilingual or multilingual are a wonderful resource to our diverse community.
Ridgeview PTSA organizes a variety of events and activities for students and families, celebrates staff, educates parents, and often raises funds to enrich your child’s educational experience. Your membership supports these events, even if you do not have time to volunteer yourself.
The PTSA is your voice at Ridgeview, in Montgomery County Public Schools, and beyond. PTSA membership gives you a say in what happens at your school and is a factor in decisions made countywide. Be heard.
As a PTSA member, you stand together with the broader community before the Board of Education and the Montgomery County Council, and our numbers—MCCPTA had about 50,000 members last year and we hope to grow to 75,000—give strength to our positions. MCCPTA has a voice in everything from school construction to safety concerns to report card grading standards. You want to be heard? Join the Ridgeview PTSA.
Please join Ridgeview PTSA; you will become part of our school, MCCPTA, Maryland PTA, and National PTA. You, your child, and every member of our community benefit. Your membership matters.