Specials → Media Center
Looking for a great book! Click here to use the DESTINY catalog.
Media Staff emails
Mary Wormley, Media Specialist, mary_wormley@mcpsmd.org
Sharon Mosley-Ramsey, Media Specialist, sharon_a_mosley-ramsey@mcpsmd.org
Darryn Neymour, Media Assistant, darryn_c_neymour@mcpsmd.org

Our lessons will include a focus on literature appreciation, research skills, and more. Digital citizenship is also a focus in Media classes. We use Common Sense Media resources for lessons on digital citizenship. If your child still has books checked out from prior years, please return them as soon as possible. Make sure to join our Canvas Classroom real soon. You will receive an invitation to join.
Hey alright!
See our Media Center!
Mrs. Mary Wormley, Media Specialist AM
Ms. Sharon Mosley-Ramsey, Media Specialist PM
Ms. Darryn Neymour, Media Assistant
Some of our favorite tech tools!
- Common Sense Media
- Montgomery County Public Library
- MCPS School Library Media Program
- Destiny - The links to our Online Resources are on our Destiny page. Check it out! Remember students, your passwords are in the Google classroom for most of you.
- Code.org- You can learn to code a computer!
- Smithsonian Institution- Links to activities from Museum sites
- National Geographic Kids- fun science related activities
- Scratch Jr. - coding activities
- ABC ya- learning games
- PBS Kids- games and creativity
- Math Learning Center- math activities
- WeVideo- MCPS students can create short videos. Students should use Google account to log in.
- Storyline Online- famous people reading great books aloud
- Flipgrid- Users can create short videos as a response to prompt,etc.
- Padlet- This site can be used an as electronic bulletin board.