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MSMC Welcome Night

Attention families of Grade 5 students attending A. Mario Loiederman Middle School next year! Join us for a virtual welcome meeting on Wednesday, January 22, at 6 p.m. Meet staff, learn about the school’s programs, and get important information to prepare for the transition.

Anything Goes

Calling all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders interested in the Cast or Crew! Don’t miss out on your chance to be part of the show!

Outdoor Ed Open House

There will be a second-semester Open House on January 21st, giving parents and families the opportunity to explore the Smith Center. You are welcome to visit the Smith Center anytime between 6:30 PM and 8:00 PM.

Call for Volunteers: Judges Needed for Montgomery County National History Day Competition!

Volunteers are needed to serve as judges for the Montgomery County National History Day (NHD) Competition! This exciting event offers you the chance to engage with and support the scholarship and creativity of local students. NHD allows students to explore history through various projects—exhibits, performances, documentaries, websites, and papers—on the theme “Rights & Responsibilities in History.”

NEC Open House

Attention All 8th grade parents: All 8 Down County Consortium and North East Consortium schools have Open House dates. This is the perfect time for you and your student to visit the schools that you are interested in possibly attending. Atención a todos los padres de Grado 8: Las 8 escuelas del Consorcio Down County y del Consorcio Northeast tienen fechas de puertas abiertas. Este es el momento perfecto para que usted y su estudiante visiten las escuelas a las que les interesa asistir el próximo año.

Fall EBB Information

MCPS Bus Safety Message and Transportation Hotline

To address any concerns or issues with bus delays, we want to introduce the MCPS Transportation Hotline. To access this service, call 240-740-7790. This service will begin Monday, August 26, starting at 6:00 am to 5:00 pm, and will be available during the first week of school. MCPS transportation staff will be able to support families if questions, concerns or problems with a bus or bus stop need to be addressed.

Meal Payments/FARMS

Online applications are available now for Free and Reduced-price Meals for the 2024-2025 school year. Questions? Please call 240-740-7400. Meal benefit eligibility from last school year will remain current only through the first 30 scheduled school days OR until a 2024-2025 application is processed.