Parent Volunteers for JA Finance Park

Parents Volunteers Needed for our 7th Grade JA Finance Park Field Trip on October 4, 5 & 6th.


October 4=  Mrs. Ryland’s Periods 1,2 & 8 will attend with Mr. Berluti’s 2nd Period.

October 5= Mr. Berluti’s Periods 1,4,6 & 8 will attend.

October 6= Mr. Earley’s Periods 1 & 4 will attend with Mrs. Ryland’s Periods 4 & 6.


What is JA Finance Park? (PDF)


What is JA Finance Park? (YouTube Video)


What would you be responsible for?  

After receiving training for the JA Staff, you would run a station like the ones seen in the video.

How do I volunteer?

Your Child’s Social Studies Teacher will help you sign up during their back to school night presentation or you can follow the directions below.

We look forward to seeing you on our trip!


How to sign up for the JA Volunteer Hub for parent volunteers.

Please follow the directions below to register through JA so they know who is coming and can prepare for your arrival.


JA VolunteerHub Parent Access & Instructions

Thank you for your interest in volunteering for your student’s field trip to JA Finance Park® Montgomery County!


Please click the link to Sign up to volunteer for this unique experience at:

Once on this site you will also find directions to get to the facility and more information on the program.


Logging In for the First Time:

  1. Navigate to and click the blue “Sign Up to Volunteer” button.
  1. At the bottom of the page, click on “Create New Account.”
  2. Choose a username and password that you will be able to remember, and click “Next.”
  1. Fill out your profile, completing all boxes that are indicated as required by the asterisks.
  1. On the confirmation page, click “Next” to view available slots for upcoming dates.


Finding and Registering For Your School:

  1. Click on the link above that you used to create your account
  2. Identify which date your student will be visiting JA Finance Park on Calendar.  

October 4=  Mrs. Ryland’s Periods 1,2 & 8 will attend with Mr. Berluti’s 2nd Period.

October 5= Mr. Berluti’s Periods 1,4,6 & 8 will attend.

October 6= Mr. Earley’s Periods 1 & 4 will attend with Mrs. Ryland’s Periods 4 & 6.


Here is the day's itinerary for you.



Volunteers arrive at JA Finance Park by 8:30 and attend the volunteer training to prepare them for the day. Volunteers need to ride separately from the bus since their commitment begins earlier than the arrival of the buses. 



Students will engage in the various components of the simulation. You will run one of the stations.

Students will rotate through lunch during this time frame. Remember there are no microwaves on site for student or staff use during lunches.  

ALSO, you need to bring a bag lunch.  There is not a place to buy food at the facility.


Finalize the simulation, reflect on the experience and board buses to return to home school for end of the day dismissal.