YMCA Linkages to Learning Program
The program provides accessible services to at-risk children and their families to improve adjustment to and performance in school, home, and community. Prevention and early intervention services include health, mental health, social services and educational support (including academic tutoring for students, mentoring and adult education classes, such as ESOL and literacy) to improve the well-being of children and their families through a collaborative delivery of school-based services that address the social, economic, health, and emotional issues that interfere with the academic success of a child.
Child and Family Therapist
Ms. Ameerat Olatunde
Mental Health Services:
- mental health assessments
- prevention, early intervention and treatment services
- individual/group child, parent and family services
- consultation with school staff and other agencies
Site Coordinator
Ms. Victoria Rogers
Case-Management Services:
- family needs assessment
- assistance obtaining clothing, furniture, food, housing, etc.
- food/clothing/toys/book drives
- community outreach programs
Office hours M-F 8:15am - 4:00pm (later appointments available)
Office phone (240) 740-1427 fax (301) 572-7002.
Case Manager
Ms. Dewonyah Rawlings