Principal's Weekly Message
A message from Principal Edward Owusu
Clarksburg High School Students, Staff, and Families,
This week is a shortened week as engage with caregivers for Parent/Guardian - Teacher conferences during early release days on Monday and Tuesday. Conferences are virtual. The Class of 2025 is hosting a Turkey Trot this Monday. Good luck to our CHS Latin Dance Team X-Treme as they compete this Monday at Strathmore. Our CHS Ambassadors will provide 30 Thanksgiving meals to families this week keeping that Be Good. Do Good spirit at the forefront of all they do. Schools are closed Wednesday through Friday. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday. (Please click this link to see our weekly newsletter.)
Did you know that Clarksburg High School offers FREE tutoring from our own students and staff? Please click HERE from your student MCPS account to learn about CHS Tutoring available for all students. All MCPS students have access to free, virtual tutoring services through FEV Tutor and Tutor Me Education. Check out the newsletter for detailed information on how to sign up!
Senior students and parents - Now is the time to order your caps and gowns. Order by December 16th for the cost of $47.25. After December 16th the cost goes up. Please go to the Jostens Website to place your order. Legacy has added two more Senior Picture dates and is coming to CHS on December 1st and 2nd. Book your appointments online if you still want to take senior portraits. Please review these slides provided during the Senior Meeting and check out the rest of the newsletter for details.
The Clarksburg High School College/Career Center provides in-person services daily from 7:15 am through 3:30 pm. Visit the Career Center website and Career Center on Twitter: @Cburg_Readiness. Join the Career Center Canvas page. If you have questions, contact Mrs. Somerville. Check out the Campus Visits Calendar (Class of 2023 and 2024)
The Campus Visit’s Calendar is located on your Naviance homepage. Juniors and seniors must register online in Naviance to attend all campus visits. Please see the link for instructions. The Admission Representatives visiting CHS would like to meet you! Check out more information in this newsletter.
In this weekly message you will find information about upcoming visits from higher education representatives in our College & Career Center, athletics schedules, and more.
Click here for the CHS Weekly Newsletter:
As always, thank you for your continued support and trust.
And remember, together we are ONE Clarksburg!
Past Weekly Messages
November 14, 2022