Principal's Weekly Message
A message from Principal Edward Owusu
Wishing all those celebrating Rosh Hashana a "Shanah Tovah". Last week was capped of by an informative presentation on the topic of school safety by the State's Attorney John McCarthy. It was an important discussion that we expect will resonate in our community. (See news stories here and here.)
This week is a 4 day week as schools are closed Monday, and Friday is an Early Release Day for staff and students to complete mid quarter progress reports. We are proud to continue celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with activities and information all week. Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Testing will continue this week for grade 9 students. And parents, please ask your student what they are learning in their academic classes while also checking ParentVUE. Keeping the focus on academics has to be a priority! (Please click this link to see our weekly newsletter.)
Seniors who are interested in getting support for brainstorming, writing, or editing their college essays can sign up for a work session during our college essay workshop, sponsored by the Clarksburg English Department!
The Spirit of Clarksburg Marching Band has its for competition of the season coming up on Saturday 10/1 at Westminster High School. The competition begins at 2:00pm, and CHS will perform at 4:00pm. Tickets are available at the gate for $10. Wear your CHS spiritwear!
MCPS has implemented a number of enhanced security measures at athletic events. The school district is committed to the safety and security of students, families and community members who want to enjoy various athletic contests, and will not tolerate the indefensible and violent behavior and actions that have occurred in the opening weeks of this fall season. These tiered actions have gone into effect at all high school games.
In this weekly message you will find a information about upcoming visits from higher education representatives in our College & Career Center, Saturday School at CHS, Homecoming, information for families to join the CHS Booster Club, athletics schedules, and more.
Please click here for the Weekly Newsletter:
Past Weekly Messages