Hospitality Management Program
Restaurant management, culinary arts, learning to be a chef, or just learning how to cook well. These are some of the things you'll find in our Hospitality Management Program. Learn by applying and doing what you know in a full cooking lab with five standard kitchens as well a professional restaurant kitchen setup.
Hear what a Sherwood Grad has to say about the program and how it brought school alive.
You should take these classes because:
- You want to create healthy and good tasting meals, dishes, and great recipes every week DURING THE SCHOOL DAY!
- You NEED to EAT healthy in order to BE healthy.
- This class teaches you how to prepare healthy meals.
- You have an interest in:
- Owning or working in a restaurant
- Going to culinary school
- Majoring in Hospitality Management or other hospitality related fields
- Earn industry certifications PRO START and SERVSAFE while in high school. EARN MORE MONEY.
How Do I Get Started?
- To start the full program - sign up for International Cultures and Cuisines or Culinary Essentials.
- Go visit Ms. Gilbert in the foods lab room 122 (next to the Early Child Development Preschool Lab)
- Not sure? Go see Ms. Gilbert and she'll fill you in on the courses.

Program Completion Requirements
4630/4640 International Cultures and Cuisines A/B
International Cultures and Cuisines examines the emphasis on food as it relates to the culture of other countries or cultural groups in the United States. Workforce trends, career paths and postsecondary requirements are examined.
0.5 credit per semester
Prerequisite: 4630 prerequisite for 4640
Grade Level: 9 - 10 - 11 - 124825/4826 Culinary Essentials A/B
Students refine their culinary and food service skills in a laboratory setting and build important skills for postsecondary education and careers. Attention is given to all aspects of careers in the hospitality industry.
0.5 credit per semester
Prerequisite: 4825 prerequisite for 4826
Grade Level: 10 - 11 - 12
No repeats for credit4816 Internship, Human & Consumer Services Hospitality & Tourism (repeatable)