Clubs and Organizations
Anime & Manga Club
Sponsor: Nathan Rockwood -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tuesday lunch -- Location: 302B
Group Description: Students gather to share interests and enjoy anime and manga, often watching short episodes during lunch.
Asian Culture Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Yang -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Thursdays at lunch (once a month) -- Location: Portable 14 or media center
Group Description: Students talk about and celebrate Asian culture. All are welcome!! Students help organize activities for AAPI month.
ASL Club/Honor Society
Sponsor: Darlene Combs -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Monthly during lunch- TBD -- Location: Room 218
Group Description: Learn about the Deaf community, practice in ASL, complete community service activities to support the Deaf community
Astronomy Club
Sponsor: Omari Sarjeant -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Mondays @ Lunch -- Location: 118
Group Description: To inform people with an interest in Astronomy on current events and bring together like minded people
Bio Olympiad
Sponsor: John Lanham -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tuesdays at lunch (once or twice a month) -- Location: 323E
Group Description: Bio Olympiad club learns about a variety of biological concepts and prepares to take the official Bio Olympiad test in the spring.
Book Club
Sponsor: Skyra Blanchard -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesdays - lunch -- Location: Portable 7
Group Description: The Book Club meets biweekly to discuss contemporary texts of choice.
Breast Cancer Awareness Club
Sponsor: Nilam Pintar -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: During Lunch -- Location: Room 332
Group Description: TBD
Calligraphy Club
Sponsor: Jasmine Ward -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tuesdays once a month at lunch(1st Tuesday of the month) -- Location: Room 228E
Group Description: Join our calligraphy club! Meetings will consist of teaching our members how to do calligraphy and afterwards we will do a series of fun projects to improve our calligraphy skills.
Chess Club
Sponsor: Lisa Short -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesday - Lunch -- Location: 344
Group Description: Play chess or Learn how to play chess
Chick-Fil-A Leader Academy
Sponsor: Rosie Justilien -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesdays once a month during lunch -- Location: Rm. 232
Group Description: The purpose of this club is part of a national service program where members learn leadership skills to impact their community through hands-on service projects.
Chinese Honor Society
Sponsor: Mei-lin Chu -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tutoring: Tuesdays and Thursdays during lunch. -- Location: Room 222
Group Description: Description: The National Chinese Honor Society was established in November 1993 with the objective to acknowledge the superior achievement of secondary students studying Chinese as a second language. The National Chinese Honor Society not only recognizes high scholastic achievement but also good character, leadership, and services. We learn the Chinese language and culture through different activities, such as the Chinese New Year Celebration and cultural activities. Please reach out to Ms. Chu for details about the application process
Circle of Friends
Sponsor: Ryan Dimmick -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: First Wednesday of every month -- Location: 226
Group Description: Making cards and collecting gifts for hospitalized children.
Class of 2024 (Senior Class)
Sponsor: Samantha Carter -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: As needed, during lunch -- Location: Room 124
Group Description: Class of 2024 plans Senior Class activities including pep rally and graduation.
Closet Cares
Sponsor: Alicia and Kate Vincenty and McMahon -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Once a month, during lunch -- Location: Room 102
Group Description: QO Closet Cares works to create a space where students from all over the school can access materials that may not be readily available or accessible to them. The club will organize drives and donations to supply the closet, and provide information to students as to when/where they can access the materials.
Comfort Cases
Sponsor: Megan Cooley-Klein -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: During lunch -- Location: Room 234
Group Description: The goal of Comfort Cases is to put together backpacks w/ care package materials for foster kids, a.k.a. "comfort cases"
Sponsor: Jasmine Ward -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tuesday and Thursday after school -- Location: Cafeteria or in Room 228E
Group Description: We started this team to inspire and create a wholesome environment for you ladies and gentlemen to express themselves and their creativity through dance. We want to embrace the art and beauty of majorette here at Quince Orchard. This is to create a safe and trusting bond while you're having fun and doing what you love! We hope to see the Cougarettes progress over the years!
Cougars Minds Matter
Sponsor: Lauren/ Nancy Carver/Jimenez -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesdays during lunch -- Location: 234
Group Description: Cougar Minds Matter is a mental health awareness club in which teens are empowered to promote school-wide social connectedness, to encourage help-seeking behavior and to develop coping skills via student-led activities.
Debate Team
Sponsor: Karen Jones -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: at lunch - day TBD -- Location: P10
Group Description: Public Forum debate - in pairs; different topic each month
Educators Rising
Sponsor: Lisa Seid -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tuesdays at lunch, monthly -- Location: Room 121
Group Description: This is an honor society for students who are planning to enter the education and medical fields, with a focus on youth.
Extreme Weather Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Yeck -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesday lunch -- Location: 333
Group Description: The emergency weather preparedness club discusses historic and recent emergency weather events, the community responses and the impact of the events.
Engineering & Robotics Club
Sponsor: Omari Sarjeant -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tue & Thur - 2:45 - 4:30 -- Location: 116 & 118
Group Description: Students gain skills and knowledge in engineering and robotics by competing in competitions.
Environmental Club
Sponsor: Deb Haase -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Mondays @ lunch -- Location: TBD
Group Description: Promote environmental awareness and environmental justice in the QO community
Eritrean & Ethiopian Student Union
Sponsor: Jessica Burdette -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: 2nd Wednesday each month -- Location: P6
Group Description: Our goal is to provide a community for QO students to share common cultural and social experiences.
F.E.E.D. (Filling Every Empty Dish)
Sponsor: Megan Cooley-Klein -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: 1-2 times per month during lunch -- Location: Room 234
Group Description: This club hopes to help people in need by hosting food drives to collect food to be donated.
Sponsor: Luanne Bru -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Thursday at Lunch every other week -- Location: Room 321
Group Description: Students collect food donations for families with children with disabilities. In addition, students create cards for the children and adults. On special occasions, students will donate holiday items to put in the food bags as well. No fundraisers will be done at this time.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Sponsor: Rebecca Yu -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Mondays at lunch -- Location: room 220
Group Description: This is a club for students to discuss their faith and how it applies to their lives.
French Honor Society
Sponsor: Rebecca Yu -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: various days during lunch for tutoring and activities (usually Tues, Wed, Thur) -- Location: room 220
Group Description: We tutor students in French and participate in French language/francophone culture activities.
Game Dev Club
Sponsor: Nathan Rockwood -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesday, lunch -- Location: 302B
Group Description: Students gather to share information about and enthusiasm for making games of any kind.
Gamers' Club
Sponsor: Nathan Rockwood -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Monday, lunch -- Location: 302B
Group Description: Students gather to play tabletop board games, RPGs, and video games.
Horticulture Club
Sponsor: Kelly Miller -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: At least once a month. Dates & Times will be sent out via Remind -- Location: Room 340
Group Description: Horticulture Club- We love plants! The QO Horticulture Club is for all students interested in plants, gardening & landscaping. Students participate in floral design fundraisers, seasonal events, greenhouse management, and more! Kits To Heart- Kits to Heart provides thoughtfully designed, curated cancer care kits for patients and caregivers throughout the United States. We make cards, bracelets and more! SSL hours can be earned through this club.
Sponsor: Lisa Short -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Thursday - Lunch -- Location: 344
Group Description: HOSA’s is a club to promote health professions.
Jewish Student Union
Sponsor: Joshua Schuman -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: As needed during lunch -- Location: Room 329
Group Description: Discussion of American Jewish culture and issues facing the American Jewish community
JUNTOS latin dance team
Sponsor: Charlene Gonzalez Tanya Mohan -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tues Thursday 2:45-4pm Sat. 9am-11am -- Location: Rm 313, Cafeteria, dance studio
Group Description: Competitive Latin dance team
Kits to Heart Club
Sponsor: Kelly Miller -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: At least once a month. Dates & Times will be sent out via Remind -- Location: Room 340
Group Description: TBD
Kreate for Kindness
Sponsor: Jessica Burdette -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: 1st Monday of the month @ lunch; 3rd Tuesday after school 2:30-3:30 -- Location: P6
Group Description: Students will create cards, art, sewing projects, and raise money for various charities.
Latinx Student Union
Sponsor: Kenya Avalos -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesdays During Lunch -- Location: 228F
Group Description: TBD
Math Honor Society (Mu Alpha Theta)
Sponsor: Sonalben Patel -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: 2 members come to room 311 during lunch to provide tutoring. All members meet during lunch in 311 once a semester. -- Location: Room 311
Group Description: Mu Alpha Theta, the National High School and Two-Year College Mathematics Honor Society, was formed in 1957 at the University of Oklahoma. We are dedicated to inspiring a keen interest in mathematics, developing strong scholarship in the subject, and promoting the enjoyment of mathematics in high school and two-year college students. Currently, more than 100,000 students are Mu Alpha Theta members at more than 2,420 schools in the United States and in 23 foreign countries. Provides a method to recognize and encourage students who enjoy and excel in mathematics. The name Mu Alpha Theta was constructed from the Greek lettering for the phonemes mu, alpha, and theta.
Minority Scholars Program
Sponsor: Rosie Justilien -, Greg Carter , Oscar Ramos -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Tuesdays during Lunch -- Location: Media Center
Group Description: MSP
Mock Trial
Sponsor: Karen Jones -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: at lunch - day TBD -- Location: P10
Group Description: prepare and present a mock trial case
Model UN
Sponsor: Luanne Bru -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesdays at lunch, every other week -- Location: Room 321
Group Description: Model UN is a simulation of the UN General Assembly and its other multilateral bodies where students perform an ambassador role while debating topics such as gender equality, climate action, global health, and more. As a club we will learn to debate and research international topics.
Muslim Student Association
Sponsor: Andrea Tamburello -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Lunch Fridays -- Location: room 324
Group Description: All Muslim students have a safe space in which to build a closer relationship with their community.
National Technical Honor Society
Sponsor: Colleen Adams -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: At lunch, as needed -- Location: Room 128
Group Description: The National Technical Honor Society offers students in Programming, Gaming, Networking, Child Development, and Project Lead The Way courses membership in a prestigious society. All members must be completing or have completed at least two years of their subject matter to be eligible for membership. Members also offer tutoring to students in their respective courses.
QO Biz (business club)
Sponsor: Jennifer Yang -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Once a month dates TBD -- Location: Portable 14
Group Description: TBD
QO Improv Club
Sponsor: Jennifer Yang -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Friday at lunch -- Location: Portable 14
Group Description: Improv games
Sponsor: Emily Hoefert-Skeen -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Wednesdays at lunch -- Location: Room 229
Group Description: SAGA (Sexuality And Gender Alliance) is a safe space for all LGBTQIA+ students to gather and discuss topics revolving around the LGBTQIA+ community, participate in community-building activities in QO and MCPS, and to hang out with other students without fear of judgment!
QO Stitches
Sponsor: Rebecca Yu -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Fridays at lunch -- Location: room 220
Group Description: We crochet, knit, and/or sew, and we hope to make items to donate to charities and organizations.
QO Theatre
Sponsor: Jessica Vogel -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: After school M-F 2:45-5:30 for rehearsals & build. Times will shift when we get closer to the show. -- Location: Auditorium
Group Description: We produce two productions a year for the QO community.
Quizbowl Team
Sponsor: Joshua Schuman -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Mondays and Thursdays at lunch -- Location: Room 329
Group Description: Team of brilliant students competing in jeopardy style academic competitions
Science National Honor Soceity
Sponsor: Deb Haase -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Lunch, TBD -- Location: Room 331
Group Description: The purpose of SNHS is to encourage scientific thinking and engagement by advancing students’ knowledge of science, increasing communication between students and the scientific community, and aiding the public with its comprehension of science and the scientific process through student-led public outreach and community service.
So What Else?
Sponsor: Rebecca Nutter -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: lunch -- Location: 302A
Group Description: We are focused on helping underprivileged families by organizing monthly donation drives. These drives will include food drives, clothing drives as well as monetary drives. The items donated will be available to families from a central county location.
South Asian Club
Sponsor: Lisa Farrow -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Lunch Weds p12 -- Location: Portable 12
Group Description: Still developing but...creating an awareness and celebration of South Asian Culture
Spanish Honor Society
Sponsor: Jennifer McEldowney -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: 3rd Thurs at lunch -- Location: room 221
Group Description: Academic club for those earning 3.5 or higher in Spanish and 3.0 overall. We support and promote hispanic students and culture.
Student Union - City of Gaithersburg
Sponsor: Brook Aranda -
Meeting Information -- Day & Time: Lunch time; Tuesday, Wednesday, and Friday -- Location: Wednesdays in room 102; Tuesday and Fridays in the small gym
Group Description: Open to all high school students. Activities include SSL hour opportunities, field trips, sports, internships, and more! For more information, follow us on Instagram @COGStudentUnion or email