Wellness Center

Social Services: 240-740-6988
Health Room & Clinic: 240-740-6952

logoHours: Monday through Friday: 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM


The Northwood Wellness Center envisions students healthy in body, mind and spirit fully committed to high academic achievement and models of leadership, strength and success.


The Wellness Center is committed to helping students in the school community reach their full potential by offering coordinated medical care, quality counseling, positive youth development, and health education experiences in a confidential and culturally sensitive manner.

Wellness Center Contact Information

Name Position Email Office Phone
Roscoe Johnson Positive Youth Development Site Coordinator Roscoe_F_Johnson@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6988
Lonnette McPherson  Senior Positive Youth Development Specialist Lonnette_Mcpherson@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6986
Leslie Dimas Positive Youth Development Specialist Leslie_V_Dimas@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6984
William Herrera Positive Youth Development Specialist William_D_Herrera2@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6985
Sthefanie Avalos Clinical Counselor Sthefanie_S_Avalos@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6989
Stacy Seguin Clinical Counselor Stacy_Seguin@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6987
Sheila Clyburn Nurse Sheila_Clyburn@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6979
Chanelle Ford-Thompson Health Room Technician Chanelle_J_FordThompson@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6952
Marianne Salazar Parent Outreach Worker Marianne_C_Salazar@mcpsmd.org 240-740-6983

Health Clinic Contact Information

Sheila Clyburn RN SCHN
Nurse Manager, Health Clinic  
Email: Sheila_Clyburn@mcpsmd.org


The center serves students enrolled in Northwood High School. 


There are no fees.

Wellness Center Services

The Northwood High School Wellness Center, located in room F115, provides opportunities for students and their families to receive support in key areas, such as physical and emotional health, pro-social activities, and concrete services. These services are provided in an inclusive, culturally competent, trauma informed manner to assist Northwood High School students and their families in improving upon their individual and family functioning, which often results in improved outcomes for the youth and their families. The Northwood High School Wellness Center provides a wide array of services that include somatic health care, counseling (individual, family and group), case management, after school activities, workforce development, conflict resolution and mediation, and parent education, outreach and engagement. The National Center for Children and Families (NCCF) is excited to work with the administration, staff, students and their families as the provider of these services in collaboration with our partners.

The Wellness Center is open from 8:30 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. daily and from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. one Saturday per month. All services are free to Northwood High School students and their families. To enroll in the Wellness Center, a referral must be completed and forwarded to the Wellness Center. Referrals and intake packets are available in the counseling office and the Wellness Center. Once the referral is received, the student and/or parent will need to complete the Wellness Center intake packet. After which, the student and their family will begin to receive services. Services are available in Spanish and English directly, as well as other languages via an interpreter.

Health Clinic (7:45 am – 2:30 pm) Monday – Friday

 Primary Preventive Care 

 Diagnosis and treatment of minor/acute health problems 

 Referral and Case Management of children with acute and chronic illnesses 

 Routine & Sports Physical Exams  Health screenings (including Vision, Hearing & Dental) 

 Immunizations 

 Gynecological care (No contraceptives dispensed) 

 Laboratory testing (Includes STI/HIV screening) 

 Health education and counseling through individual interventions and health promotion.

Wellness Center/Mental Health (8:00 am – 6:00 pm) Monday - Friday

 Individual Counseling 

 Family counseling 

 Group counseling 

 Crisis Intervention

After-School Youth Groups

 Encourage healthy development 

 Promote leadership, self- esteem, communication skills, goal setting, positive relationships and substance abuse education

Case Management Services (Individual & Family)

 Academic Support 

 Child Care 

 Clothing 

 Legal Services 

 Food Resources

 Educational & Employment Resources 

 Emergency Services (Includes Eviction/Homelessness/Housing Issues)