Anti Bullying/Hate-Bias Video

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The comprehensive approach is rooted within the following three pillars:



Pillar One

  • Ensure that all staff and students have a basic understanding of the cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, gender expression, and sexual orientation of their school community so they can support a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Build awareness of the community to have a basic understanding of the cultural, ethnic, racial, religious, gender expression, and sexual orientation of their school so they can support a safe and inclusive environment.
  • Equip all leaders with adaptive strategies to mitigate and repair harm as a result of  hate/bias instances.

Pillar Two

  • Ensure that all students, families, and staff understand the reporting process and feel safe to use it.
  • Establish and hold ourselves accountable for clear guidelines in communicating incidents of hate bias.

Pillar Three

  • Develop clear and transparent guidelines for response, restoration and support ensuring culturally responsive, anti-racist and anti-bias responses. 


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