Sherwood clusterSherwood HS Cluster

Respect . . . This is important!

Rigor . . . You can do it!

Cooperation . . . We will not give up on you!


Located at Queen Mary Drive and Georgia Avenue, Olney Elementary is part of the Sherwood Cluster. After promotion from 5th grade, Olney students matriculate to Rosa Parks Middle School, then most continue their education at Sherwood High School.

Cluster Vision

The Sherwood Cluster schools have developed the following Vision Statement to guide our cluster.  Outstanding academic achievement is a priority for the Sherwood Cluster Schools.

The Sherwood Cluster recognizes and promotes the unique individual differences of all students and the belief that all students can learn and succeed. Sherwood Cluster schools, in partnership with home and community, set high expectations and guarantee a safe and enriched learning environment where all students realize their potential.

Staff, students, and community work together to promote positive attitudes for supporting each other in the daily learning environments in schools, homes and communities. Their goal is to create productive citizens who respect, trust and care for one another and are life-long learners.

Staff, parents/guardians, students and community are committed to working together to ensure that all students are continually and actively involved in their learning in order to be successful high school graduates.

Schools take the responsibility for providing a comprehensive quality education which results in the development of productive citizens who can read, write, compute, solve problems, communicate effectively, work collaborative, make decisions, appreciate and participate in the arts, and are physically fit.

Students believe in and are committed to being active learners by taking responsibility for their own behaviors, completing their classroom and homework assignments, being good citizens by following school rules, respecting themselves and others and serving their community.

Parents/Guardians provide a home environment that values education, is conducive to learning with a time and place for homework, has access to home and/or community resources and utilizes communication links between home and school.

The community actively supports students in their pursuit of academic excellence by recognition of achievement, establishment of mentoring services and through mutually beneficial partnerships.


  • Dr. Myra J. Smith is the Cluster Community Superintendent. 301-315-7364
  • Dr. Michael J. Zarchin is Director II. 301-315-7378
  • Dr. Joshua Starr is the Superintendent of Schools. 301-279-3381
  • Board of Education 301-279-3617
  • Boundary Information 301-279-3331
  • Transportation Office 301-929-2260