
 Ms. Alycia Wespasnick, General Music

Music Door


The Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) pre-K–12 general music curriculum is designed to help students develop the knowledge and skills essential to understanding the following:

• Creating, performing, and responding to music requires specific knowledge and skills that may be acquired only through study and practice.

• Music, a distinct art form, shares many principles and concepts with theatre, visual arts, and dance.

• A thorough understanding of music requires knowledge drawn from disciplines including anatomy, physics, and computer science.

• Music is found in every culture, and musical ability is found in every individual.



Resources to help students practice at home: 

For 4th graders  

 (Note: the above urls do NOT work via Internet Explorer)


For classroom and chorus information,  please visit this site



Ten Lessons the Arts Teach by Elliot Eisner