MCPS Comprehensive Crisis Plan: Parent/Child Reunification

In the event of an emergency, parents or guardians are encouraged NOT to initially respond to the school during a crisis. This will allow county and school officials to assess the situation and activate the school's crisis plan. (Please remember that during a Code Red, no one will be allowed to enter or leave the building!)

Should there be an emergency (national, local or school), parents are asked to:  

  • Cooperate with safety and school officials.
  • Wait for notification of how and when to respond. This notification will come via the MCPS web site, MCPS cable TV station or local media.
  • Location(s) of reunification sites will be announced. Please be aware that the location (both on and off campus) is subject to change depending on the nature of the emergency. Our off-campus reunification site (should there be a situation which would require evacuation of Waters Landing ES) will be Seneca Valley High School.
  • Proper identification will be required at the site. 
  • Do not park in the main access area to the school or fire lanes. If required, we may have staff act as traffic control personnel; please follow their directions.

Please know that only emergency contacts listed on your child's yellow card will be allowed to sign out your child. If you wish to authorize additional individuals or daycare centers to pick up your child in the event of emergency, please complete and return this form to the school office. Students will not be released to friends, neighbors, siblings, etc., unless they are listed on the Authorization for Release of Student form (or on your emergency card).

For security reasons, no phone authorizations will be accepted.  

During the Reunification Process at Waters Landing:

School staff will be posted at school doors.

Arriving parents will be instructed to enter through the main school doors (Locbury Dr.) and report to the All-Purpose Room (or other designated area). Parents will not be allowed to go to classrooms. 

Tables will be set-up with Student Sign-Out Sheets. 

Staff will have the yellow emergency cards and Reunification Sheets indicating who is authorized to pick up students.

After providing proper ID, parents (or person authorized) may sign out their child(ren).

Staff in the APR will radio appropriate school staff who will be stationed in each grade level hallway.

Students will be escorted to the APR to meet their parents.

Once parent and child are reunited, they will exit the building through the Waters Landing Drive exit.