Scholastic Pins | Class of 2025 Pin

Senior Presentations

Senior Forms

Senior Instructional Videos


  • Graduation Requirements for the Class of 2025


Senior Packets - Information for Prom and Graduation - Please check back in 2025 

Senior Packet (English)

Senor Packet (Spanish)



Email Notifications

Once you have sumbitted an application, a college typically sends you information about activating or setting up an account on their portal. This, in addition to email, is how schools will begin communication with you. You may also be notified of your admissions decision this way as well. It is important to keep checking emails and your appliation portals as we move into decision release times. They expect you to be responsible for managing this process.

"Missing" Application Items

Please be advised that it can take up to two weeks or more for colleges to match transcripts, recommendations, etc. to students' application files.This means that colleges may report items as missing, when in fact they have already received them. To quote an email from a college rep about this exact topic: "We have a back-up during our busier times of year so materials that have been received (but not downloaded) sometimes show up as missing." This being said, if a college reports that items are still missing more than two weeks after they have been sent, please let me know.