



Ms. Rachel Seibel

Music Teacher

Room 204



To provide engaging, high quality, and meaningful connections between students and the musical environment. Each individual has the opportunity to perform, create, and respond to various musical elements. At all times, all individuals in class are expected to Be You Musical beat.



Elementary School: Students in 4th and 5th grade are provided with year round General Music. General Music focuses on performing, creating, and responding to our sense in music. 

Middle School: Students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grade are provided quarterly General Music. This quarterly course focuses on reading and writing music inorder to perform piano and acoustic guitar. 

Chorus: Students in high school grades are provided semesterly chorus. Chorus is a course focused on singing in at least 3 styles and 2 languages, reading music, and creating a performer identity in singing. 



Website: Ms. Seibel has a website that contains information, practice links, playlist, music games, and music composing software. 

County Music Information: Montgomery County Public Schools provides arts and music guidance and understanding for families.