After Prom Information

After Prom is Free and After Prom Benefit at Mamma Lucia's


Our amazing PTSA has decided to sponsor After Prom free of charge to all students who purchase a prom ticket! Thank you, PTSA!


This year's After Prom promises to be an unforgettable occasion, filled with excitement, laughter, and memories that will last a lifetime! There will be food, drinks, raffle prizes, bowling, billiards, video games, and a lot more.


DATE: May 17-18, 2024

TIME: 11:30PM - 3:00AM

VENUE: TerpZone at University of Maryland (just across the campus from the Prom venue)

YOU CAN PURCHASE YOUR AFTER PROM TICKETS HERE, or at Blake during lunch time in the Cafeteria.

All students MUST purchase an After Prom ticket to be able to enter the event.