Naval Junior Reserve Officers Training Corps (NJROTC)

Hosted at Seneca Valley High School, 19401 Crystal Rock Drive, Germantown, MD 20874 | (240) 740-6400

Plan of the Week


JROTC Programs in MCPS


  • Beginning the 2020-21 school year, NJROTC Naval Science 1,2,3, and 4 is a Completer Course, for graduation credit.
  • NJROTC is a jointly sponsored Navy and secondary school citizenship and leadership program for students in grades 9 through 12.
  • NJROTC teaches self-discipline, self-confidence and leadership skills to help you successfully meet life's challenges.
  • NJROTC is an education program. Cadets are under no Navy obligation.
  • NJROTC education can be a big assist for students enlisting in the service or seeking nominations to the Naval Academy, or interested in qualifying for an NROTC college scholarship.
  • NJROTC is open to all who meet the physical standards of the NJROTC program.
  • NJROTC cadets are provided with uniforms, books, training aids and other types of equiptment paid for by the Navy.
  • NJROTC encourages the formation of drill teams, group athletics, marksmanship teams and other types of extra curricular activities.
  • NJROTC cadets take part in ship training cruises, orientation visits, and field trips to various naval activities enhance their classroom studies.
  • NJROTC program is taught by retired officer and enlisted personnel.


  • Promote Patriotism
  • Develop Informed and Responsible Citizens
  • Develop Habits of Orderliness & Respect for Constituted Authority
  • Develop Personal Honor, Self-reliance, Individual Discipline and Leadership
  • Promote Understanding of Basic Elements & Requirements for National Security
  • Develop Respect for Need for Constituted Authority in a Democratic Society
  • Develop Interest in the Military Services as a Possible Career

Cadet Staff

Other Resources & Information